Jason Horton


Young tech entrepreneur Olivia Grassi has hit rock bottom. She's been dumped by her boyfriend/business partner, ousted from the tech company she helped create, and she's spending all her money on a lawsuit against them, both. She moves back home to Pasadena, California, where her best friend Shane suggests she creates a new dating app to get her life back on track. Olivia goes on a series of meetings to pitch her new dating app, but fails miserably because everyone she meets is terrified of her. Frustrated, but not out of the game, Olivia gets help from Shane and her family to make another attempt at selling her app. This time she gets set up with one of the biggest venture capitalists in the world, Alan Stevenson. However, this opportunity doesn't go far when Alan sexually harasses Olivia, and asks her to sign an NDA before agreeing to work with her. Rushing out of Alan's office, Olivia runs into Luke, who comforts her until her best friend Shane comes to her aid.
Laid in America
Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.
Internet Famous
Nut Shot Guy
A group of Internet "sensations" compete for a tv show. Parody of the Internet.
Bob Thunder: Internet Assassin
Joe Nation wants to go viral on YouTube and reach Internet fame. But things take a turn for the worse when he mistakenly hires Bob Thunder, a cold-blooded killer, to help him.
After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her mind or becoming Smiley's next victim.
Co-Worker (uncredited)
 新人作家デイヴィッド・ベニオフの感動ミステリーを「ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング」のスパイク・リー監督が映像化したヒューマン・サスペンス。ベニオフ自ら脚本を担当。25時間後に懲役7年の刑で収監されることが決まっているひとりの男が、後悔と絶望感を抱え過ごす24時間の心の旅を情感を込め繊細に綴る。主演は「アメリカン・ヒストリーX」「ファイト・クラブ」のエドワード・ノートン。  ニューヨーク。かつて瀕死の状態から助けた犬と共に公園のベンチに佇む男モンティ・ブローガン。ドラッグ・ディーラーだった彼は、何者かの密告で麻薬捜査局に逮捕され、保釈中の身だった。そして、25時間後には7年の服役のために収監される。その中で彼のような“イイ男”が受ける仕打ちは火を見るより明らかだった。彼は、馴染みの店で最後の夜を明かそうと2人の親友、高校教師のジェイコブと株式ブローカーのフランクに声を掛ける。また、アパートでは恋人ナチュレルが待っていたが、モンティは彼女が密告者ではないかと疑っていた。やりきれない思いを抱えたまま、モンティのシャバでの最後の夜が始まろうとしていた。