Bob Dole
Senator #2
「ウォーターゲート事件」の全容と事件を内部告発したFBI副長官の姿を、リーアム・ニーソン主演で実話をもとに映画化したサスペンスドラマ。アメリカ合衆国史上初めて任期半ばで辞任に追い込まれたリチャード・ニクソン大統領。その引き金となったウォーターゲート事件の捜査の指揮にあたったFBI副長官マーク・フェルトは、なかなか進展しない捜査の裏にホワイトハウスが捜査妨害をしていることを察知し、事件自体がホワイトハウスの陰謀によるものであることを悟る。大統領に忠実なL・パトリック・グレイFBI長官に捜査協力が期待できない中、フェルトは事件の真相を明るみにするため、大胆な決断をする。フェルト役を「96時間」「シンドラーのリスト」のニーソン、妻オードリー役を「トスカーナの休日」のダイアン・レインが演じる。監督は「コンカッション」「パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間」のピーター・ランデスマン。「オデッセイ」「ブレードランナー」のリドリー・スコットが製作。
Dr. Houchins
A man involved in a horrific car crash is pronounced dead, only to come back to life an hour and a half later, claiming to have seen Heaven.
Johnny Wayne (Clint Browning) is an ex-racer who is serving in prison after crippling a young boy during an illegal street race in Los Angeles. Wayne, having been traumatized by the events, vows to never race again, and is soon released as a reformed citizen. Soon he finds himself working at a scrap yard with his childhood friend Travis (Jack Goldenberg). But his probation officer is a man who thinks he can blackmail him into illegal street racing. Even though Wayne is attempts to restore his life and become an honest, hardworking member of society, he slowly finds himself being lured back into street racing...
Detective Martin
The nightmares are always the same for Hollywood actress Laurie Cardell: she's back at the orphanage where she spent her childhood, being tortured by the head mistress, praying for an escape. But that's all in the past... until two brothers decide to bring the screen siren back to the scene of the crime. Daniel has been silently stalking Laurie for years, and when his psychotic brother Nathan is released from prison, no one expects the horror he brings. Daniel's misguided attempts to mend the wounds of a tortured youth resurrect Laurie's childhood nightmares and force Daniel to confront his own obsession, while Nathan's twisted logic takes on demonic proportions.
Pat Elliott