Kojiro Sato


Lighting Technician
A criminal breaks out of prison and is quickly back to his old ways.
Lighting Director
A wealthy matriarch is kidnapped by a gang of three. She is insulted by the amount of money they propose to demand as ransom, and a strange interchange of roles takes place.
Lighting Technician
In the desert of Egypt, Kurata, the CEO of the Japanese corporation Tokokaihatsu, is killed by a sniper. After the news reaches Japan, the CEO's lawyer, Yamamoto, receives a visit from two men that attempt to steal the deceased CEO's will. This is witnessed by two detectives, Tsuzuki and Ōnuki, but they fail to catch the perps. Yamamoto hands the detectives a set of keys before he stops breathing. Tsuzuki and Ōnuki now have to investigate Kurata's murder...
Lighting Technician
A doctor who died at a young age due to the metastasis of a malignant tumor to the lungs after cutting his right leg below the knee due to osteosarcoma. The title "Asuka" is the name of the eldest daughter, and "Unseen child" is the child whose wife was pregnant at the time of her death.
Lighting Technician
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.
Lighting Technician
Lighting Technician
「…彼女は女王蜂である。慕いよる男どもをかたっぱしから死にいたらしめる運命にある。…」 昭和26年、月琴島で育てられた大道寺智子は18歳になり、父・大道寺欣造の住む東京の屋敷に引き取られることになっていた。その欣造宛てに奇妙な手紙が届き、智子を呼び寄せてはいけないと警告していた。手紙は月琴島で19年前に起こった学生の事故死にも触れ、「あれは果たして過失であったか」と疑問を投げかける。不安を感じたらしい欣造は金田一耕助に調査を依頼。金田一は智子の後見人として月琴島に渡り、智子の東京行きに同行することになる。 一方、智子は、東京行きの直前のある日、椿の根元から開かずの間の鍵を見つけ出した。好奇心に駆られた彼女が、開かずの間の中で見たものは、血のついた月琴であった。 島を出て、伊豆のホテル松籟荘に着いた智子の前に、大道寺欣造、文彦らのほか、欣造の薦める3人の婿候補者(遊佐三郎、駒井泰次郎、三宅嘉文)と、謎の手紙で呼び出された多門連太郎が現れる。智子を巡る争いのうちに、惨劇の幕が開かれる。
Lighting Technician
友が託した鬼頭千万太の遺書を携え、金田一耕助は”獄門島”に降り立った。三人の義妹の行く末を案じながら死んだ鬼頭千万太の通夜の日に、第一の事件は起こった。末娘・花子が梅の古木に逆さ吊りにされ殺されていたのだ。続いて二番目の妹・雪枝が、寺の鐘の中で死体となって発見される。そして遂には……長女・月代までもが残酷な死に様を残した。いったい誰が、何のために? この猟奇的な事件を追う金田一は、千万太の父、嘉右衛門の残した三つの俳句の謎につきあたる。この見立て連続殺人の意味するところは──。そして、真犯人は?https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/371320
Lighting Technician
Lighting Technician
Based on the novel of the same name by Hisashi Inoue.
Lighting Technician
Based on a blockbuster song by Kaguyahime, a folk group. Makoto, a college student who belongs to a puppet theatre club, meets Michiko, who works at a printing factory, and they come to learn the bitterness and sadness of love. The two live humbly by the River Kanda, but are viewed coldly by people around them.
Lighting Technician
Enigmatic teenager Akira Inugami is, by night, a powerful werewolf, who falls for a beautiful young teacher, and copes with a ruthless teen gang leader, whose yakuza father murdered Akira's parents years before.
地球攻撃命令 ゴジラ対ガイガン
Lighting Technician
激動の昭和史 沖縄決戦
Lighting Technician
Lighting Technician
Horror story about a girl who is shadowed by an invisible man.
幽霊屋敷の恐怖 血を吸う人形
Lighting Technician
A young man travels out into the countryside to meet his fiance, Yuko. When he arrives at the secluded house he is told by her mother that she has died in a car accident. He spends the night at the house and hears some strange sounds at night, even seeing someone that looks just like his dead love. Later he sees Yuko outside the house and follows her to a grave with her name. Cut to some days later where the young mans sister is worried since she hasnt heard from him in some time. She persuades her boyfriend to take her to the house, but is told that he already left. For the sake of proper plot development she doesnt believe Yukos mother and fakes the car breaking down so that they can investigate what really happened.
City of Beasts
Lighting Director
Japanese crime movie.