Ivana Baquero

Ivana Baquero

出生 : 1994-06-11, Barcelona, Spain


Ivana Baquero Macías is a Spanish actress. At the age of 11, Baquero was chosen by director Guillermo del Toro to play the lead role of Ofelia in Pan's Labyrinth, for which she won critical acclaim and the Goya Award for Best New Actress.


Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero
Ivana Baquero


Black Friday
A group of toy store employees must protect each other from a horde of parasite infected shoppers.
A radio host is kidnapped on air and forced to tell secrets about his past.
Sister of Mine
Oliver, a young film director, discovers on a porn Web site one night that the protagonist of one of the erotic videos is his younger half-sister Aurora. In the process of finding out what she was doing there, Oliver will become fascinated by his sister.
Catarina / Joana
The lives of two women intersect.
The Club of the Misunderstood
Valeria has just moved to Madrid after her parent's separation. What at first seems a bad start for her new life becomes the beginning of an amazing life experience. New friendships, a city full of possibilities, first love...
Another Me
A teenager finds her perfect life upended when she's stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on assuming her identity.
The Red Virgin
Hildegart Rodríguez
Spain, early 20th century. Hildegart is raised and educated by his mother Aurora as the subject of a social experiment, to be the first truly free woman in the world, the one who will lead humanity into a new era; and, in order to achieve this goal, is insanely loved… until the moment when she becomes a young and gifted woman and actually tries to fly freely, away from the oppressive nest of her creator and guardian.
Louisa James
John James is a writer; his wife has left him. He moves with his two middle-school children to an isolated house off a dirt road in South Carolina. The property has an Indian burial mound, which fascinates his daughter, Louisa, who's entering puberty.
The Anarchist's Wife
Paloma - age 15
"The Anarchist's Wife" is the story of Manuela who is left behind when her husband Justo fights for his ideals against Franco's Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War. He is deported to a concentration camp, and upon his release, continues the fight against nationalism in the French resistance. Years, pass without a word from him, but his wife never gives up hope of seeing him again.
Pan and the Fairies
A documentary look at the makeup, practical, and CG effects in Guillermo del Toro's 'Pan's Labyrinth.'
 「ブレイド2」「ヘルボーイ」のギレルモ・デル・トロ監督が「デビルズ・バックボーン」に続いて再びスペイン内戦を背景に描く哀切のダーク・ファンタジー。再婚した母に連れられ、山中でレジスタンス掃討の指揮をとる冷酷な義父のもとへとやって来た空想好きの少女は、やがて残酷な現実世界から逃避し森の中の不思議な迷宮へと迷い込んでいくが…。イマジネーションあふれるヴィジュアルと深いテーマ性が高く評価され、いわゆるジャンル映画でありながら数々の映画賞を席巻する活躍で大きな注目を集めた話題作。  1944年のスペイン。内戦終結後もフランコ政権の圧政に反発する人々がゲリラ闘争を繰り広げる山間部。内戦で父を亡くした少女オフェリアは、臨月の母カルメンと共にこの山奥へとやって来る。この地でゲリラの鎮圧にあたるビダル将軍と母が再婚したのだった。冷酷で残忍な義父に恐怖と憎しみを募らせるオフェリア。その夜、彼女は昆虫の姿をした不思議な妖精に導かれ、謎めいた迷宮へと足を踏み入れる。そこでオフェリアを出迎えたパン<牧神>は、彼女が地底の魔法の国のプリンセスの生まれ変わりで、満月の夜までに3つの試練を乗り越えれば、魔法の国に帰ることが出来ると告げる。オフェリアはその言葉を信じて、与えられた3つの試練に立ち向かう決意を固めるのだったが…。
A Christmas Tale
Cubelles, Tarragona, Spain, Christmas 1985. Five friends make an unexpected discovery in the forest: a woman disguised as Santa Claus trapped in a deep hole dug in the middle of nowhere.
Haunted by memories of a patient's death, a nurse takes a job at an antiquated hospital for children. Soon she learns that the kids fear a ghost that prowls the floors and will not allow anyone to leave. Amy tries to protect them and convince the other staffers of the evil that lurks there.
Dante travels across a desolate, futuristic Spain in search of his girlfriend, Ula. He is pursued by a bloodthirsty, cybernetic Rottweiler.
Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt
A terror is stalking the land: people are disappearing daily, their bodies appearing covered in savage gashes coupled with precise surgical cuts. The legend of the 'Werewolf of Allariz' spreads across the land like wildfire. When Barbara (Elsa Pataky) falls in love with travelling vendor Manuel Romasanta, she is at first besotted with him - but soon begins to be suspicious of him. What has happened to her sister, who - after being escorted by Romasanta to the city - seems to have disappeared forever.