John Morgan


スーパーマンII リチャード・ドナーCUT版
Camera Operator
George and the Christmas Star
George cuts out a paper star to top his Christmas tree but, dissatisfied, decides to go for the real thing - an unusually bright star that seems to beckon him from the sky.
Camera Operator
In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.
Camera Operator
パリのエッフェル塔がテロリストに占拠された! 取材に向かっていたロイスを救うため、クラークはスーパーマンに変身して、仕掛けられた核爆弾を地球圏外へ放り投げた。しかしその爆破は思わぬ結果を引き起こした。故郷クリプトン星を追放され、ファントム・ゾーンに閉じ込められていたゾッド将軍ら3悪人を自由にしてしまったのだ。超能力を利用して地球征服を企む3人。ロイスとの愛を実らせるため、一度は超能力を捨て、普通の人間になったクラークだったが、危機に瀕した世界を前に、3悪人の企みに立ち向かう──!
The Ipcress File
Focus Puller
Sly and dry intelligence agent Harry Palmer is tasked with investigating British Intelligence security, and is soon enmeshed in a world of double-dealing, kidnap and murder when he finds a traitor operating at the heart of the secret service.