Nana Asakawa
出生 : 1999-04-03, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Kumiko Arai
In the 16th century, the French astrologer Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in July, 1999. According to him, cataclysms would transform the Earthinto a lawless place where evil would prevail. As the deadline approaches, little Kappei and several other children are isolated on a Japanese island to train in the mystical arts of Mukai Sappuken to save the planet. The problem is that Nostradamus has royally screwed up, so in the spring of 2022, their master sends them to live a “normal” life. Poor Kappei finds himself in Tokyo with shorts that are really too short, the attitude of a manga character, and the psychosocial baggage of a fossil. His quest for justice brings him his first friend, who introduces him to his first love. The apocalypse fighter has not been trained for this at all, and every emotion totally destabilizes him. However, he will have to adapt, as some of his less grounded comrades will soon force a confontation.
Natsuki Yoshida
Chika Fujiwara
Mano Rinko
When Tsukasa was a middle school student, she had a crush on transfer student Hayato and even confessed her feelings to him. She was turned down by Hayato. Now, Tsukasa and Hayato are classmates in high school. Hayato treats Tsukasa as just a friend, but Tsukasa still has feelings for him. Meanwhile, Hayato becomes attracted to Tsukasa.
Chika Fujiwara
Orphan girl Mei is adopted by a wealthy family and receives the ticket out of the orphanage. The girl finds herself with a sister who has arrived at the family under similar circumstances. They bond and become close. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when the family's fortunes take a nosedive allowing the family to keep no more than one of the girls. That means someone has to trod back to the orphanage. Well, neither is volunteering.
A mysterious girl named Rita gathers heroes from Super Sentai teams to the planet Nemesis. The heroes are told that any wish they desire will come true if they can win the "Super Sentai Strongest Battle" tournament. A director's cut of the mini-series as a full-length feature.
Mei lives in an orphanage, but she is adopted by the wealthy and kind Uda family. The family already has an adopted daughter Rana. While Rana seems weird, Mei and Rana find that they have a lot in common and become like real sisters. The girls then learn that the Uda family's business has collapsed and they can only keep one of the daughters. One of the girls will be returned to the orphanage in a week. Revenge is soon planned.
Ayame Himuro
Chiaki Yokomine
One day, Chizuru (Nana Asakawa) and Mioto (Aino Kuribayashi) enters problem-solving office Kurogarasu. The two girls look naive, but Chizuru is a leader of a enjo kosai group. Their group makes money by having young girls date older men for money. Thugs are threatening Chizuru for money. Chizuru pays 2.5 million yen to the problem-solving office Kurogarasu for their help. Kuroto (Tsubasa Sakiyama), Yuya (Keisuke Ueda) and Hina (Moga Mogami) take the case and begin to investigate the thugs, but they find something unexpected.
Giiko Nokomura
There is a schoolgirl who carries her own personal chainsaw. She was attacked by a dead body who was created by her classmate one day. As such, she does not understand why she was attacked by a classmate. To find the answer she ventures into the enemy's base. There she finds out the reason for the assault.
Gîko Nokomura
Giko Nokomura is a female student at Nightingale Academy, who carries around her very own chainsaw. One day she begins to be attacked by modified corpses created by one of her classmates, Nero Aoi . She tears her way through the corpses and busts into Nero's hideout. Why is Nero so intent on attacking Giko?! The reason will shock you!After her battle with Nero, she encounters a new enemy. It's the leader of the Nightingale Academy Student Council Guardians, Nemesis.
犬金組の血気盛んな若いヤクザの山本健太郎、立花リョウ、杉原和彦のテンションの高さは、組の中でも抜きん出ていた。組に恩義を感じる彼らは男らしく極道として生きる気満々だったが、ある事件で不始末をしてしまう。組長は三人をタイで性転換と全身整形させることを思い付き、今後はアイドルとして資金を稼ぐよう言いつける。 『私の人生なのに』などの原桂之介監督がメガホンを取り、ジャスミン・ギュのコミックを実写映画化したコメディー。極道からアイドルに変身した男たちが、本来の自分とアイドルの間で揺れ動く。ドラマ「おわらないものがたり」などの白洲迅、『ゆずりは』などの柾木玲弥、モデルとしても活動している花沢将人らが共演。
Miku Kamiya
One day an idol is bitten by a zombie and before she is taken into custody, she runs away. She only has 72 hours left until she becomes one, so she tries to find the zombie serum, but high school girl zombie hunter and zombies attack her. Will she make it to the destination within the time limit?
Miyabi Nishigaki
Nodoka Haramura
Moe Koike
Abducted teen Moe Koike is thrust into the Werewolf Game, where a role playing fight to the death plays out with nine other unfortunate souls.
Nodoka Haramura
21世紀、世界の麻雀競技人口は1億人を超え、日本でも大規模な大会が開催されるようになっていた。清澄高校1年生の宮永咲は、天才的な麻雀を打つ同級生・原村和に感化され、麻雀部に入ることを決意する。麻雀の腕を仲間たちと日々磨き、ついに全国大会予選が始まる。初出場、どこからも注目されていなかった清澄高校であったが驚異的な強さを発揮し全国大会決勝進出を決める。そこには同じくダークホース鶴賀学園、一昨年優勝の強豪風越女子、昨年悪魔的強さで他校を圧倒し優勝した竜門淵高校が待ち受ける! 決勝の卓で果たして勝つのはどの高校なのか?
Takashi's childhood friend
AV女優がサイン会にやってくる……!? 刺激的な噂話に揺れる中学生・タカシとその仲間たち。忘れられない夜を越えて見つけたものとはーーー!? 1987年の田舎町。中学生のタカシは、ずっと家でうじうじしている父親(光石研)がカッコ悪くて嫌いだ。今日も婚約者を連れて帰って来た姉に対して情けない態度で見ていられない。町を歩いてるとすぐ絡んでくるヤンキーたちも鬱陶しいし、隣に住む幼なじみで巨乳のメグミがちょっと気になっている。そんなどうにもならない悶々とした日々を送っているタカシが柔道部の仲間たちと入り浸っている、町に一軒だけあるレンタルビデオ屋があった。そしてそこにAV女優のよくしまる今日子がサイン会にやって来るという噂が聞こえてきて……。予期せぬ事態、大騒動の果てにタカシはよくしまる今日子に会う事ができるのかーーー?