The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as sit-down comedy. Even though Mitsuba is mediocre at best, he ends up teaching three students.
Yuichiro is a college student whose sister went missing 15 years ago. That traumatic event hangs over him like a pall as he wanders Japan's S&M clubs. But his younger brother claims to be able to sense their sister with his "antenna".
Executive Producer
A large, dinosaur-like monster has risen from Tokyo Bay and attacked the city. As the government collapses into chaos, the people of a rural town in Fukui Prefecture, from whose perspective we see the entire movie, watch as the events unfold on TV. Some decide to run for their lives, some take it as a sign of the apocalypse, some go completely crazy, but most of the townspeople wait and watch, and wonder where the monster will head next.
Witnesses of a murder. Remake of Akira Kurosawa film Rashomon.
A drama depicting the heroine who loved another yakuza man while being the wife of the group leader, in the battle of the internal conflict of the yakuza organization.
Horror director Toshiharu Ikeda adapts a story by Baku Akae about a high-school student who falls in love with a woman on a school trip.