Emiko Izawa


Wish freedom and feel responsibility. 3days road movie of prince and a girl. It's a romantic story between prince and Levelle Kingdom on an escape journey and a girl living freely in Japanese city, with a stylish Asian taste of colorful and vivid images. The story is set in a city of beautiful mother nature, fashion, artistic architectures, and history
A young runaway, suffering from the stigma and remorse of an abortion meets a terminally ill man. Mizuki, a lesbian is unable to fall in love for fear of being hurt. Finally, Hikari a is a homemaker who yearns to be loved without being pressured into a physical relationship. Without intersecting, their 3 stories create a world bound together by the moon in the sky they all wistfully gaze upwards to.
The fascinating city of Tokyo is the mesmerizing setting where three people live. A man has been fired from his job, but shame is too heavy a burden for him. He repeats the same ceremony every morning. He gets up, gets dressed and walks out to his non-existent job. He wanders around carrying his lie with him. Eiko works at a twenty-four hour convenience store. Hours and days go by with no emotions beyond the opening and closing of the teller. A man appears into her life. They will start a relationship that will fill in part the emptiness in their lives. A rock band is falling apart. After the last rehearsal, the guitar player announces his decision to quit to his friend, the singer and front man of the band, but he is not willing to accept it. Three everyday stories – three lives are told.