Terry Herfield


Costume Supervisor
主人公の16才の少年は、想いを寄せる同級生が襲われているところを助けようとし、銃で撃たれてしまいます。 昏睡状態から目覚めた彼は、脳に残ったスマートフォンの破片によって超人的な能力の持ち主に。 新たに手に入れた知能とテクノロジーを駆使し、少年は事件の犯人であるギャングへの復讐を始めます。
ID2: Shadwell Army
Costume Supervisor
Long-awaited sequel to the 1995 film. A young British Asian, Mo is a fast-rising police officer who goes under cover infiltrating Shadwell's resurgent hooligan element, who are fired up by Shadwells's takeover by a Russian oligarch and their unlikely adventure into European competition. Mo quickly becomes embroiled in the local schism between the BNP and EDL and plans to build a new mosque in the shadow of the Shadwell ground creates an explosive environment in which football and political violence form a perfect storm of social unrest. In the midst of this, Mo is faced with the essential existential question of of who he really is and where he really belongs. It's 20 years on and clever Trevor is now chief super, but what happens to the rest of the gang?