Eiko Misuzu


To solve the mystery of her deceased husband, his wife departs to Shinshu.
大江戸無頼 河内山宗俊
Kotiyama is a swindler and extortionist, the head of a whole gang of crooks, usually posing as a poor monk; once he really took vows, but he was kicked out of the monastery long ago. He is enterprising, smart and not too cruel, so his accomplices love him. Posing as an envoy from the abbot of the Kennei Temple, Kotiama plays a show in front of Lord Matsue with an income of 150,000 koku, and extorts money from him. The film is based on the famous play by Kawatake Mokuami.
Yasu Nakayama
山間の小駅。この駅の灯だけが、真暗闇に侘しく光っていた。ホームには、水害で不通になった列車が立往生。午前二時を指す時計の掛かった駅の待合室には、傲慢そうな重役夫妻、セールスマン、男女学生、オンリーさんの夏子、老夫婦、小粋な三十女と愛人、家出した田舎娘など足止めをくった乗客でごった返していた。この騒ぎから取り残されたように静かに佇む乳呑み児を抱いた時枝の側には、一本の手錠でつながれた刑事と殺人犯・森が立っていた。一同はバスで次の駅まで出ることになったが、いよいよ出発という時「銀行を襲撃して現金二千万円を奪った二人組のギャングが、この方面に立ち廻った形跡がある」という悪い知らせが入った。 動揺した乗客は次々とバスを降り、十四名を乗せたボロボロのバスが暗夜の中を出発した。ギャングと山崩れの恐怖に怯える夜が明けると、一同には明るさが戻ったが、時技と森だけは暗い表情を崩さなかった。行く手には、とうてい渡れそうもない朽ち果てた橋。しかしバリバリと音をたてながら、バスは危うくも橋を渡りきった。さらにバスが進むと、前方に青年が飛び出してきた。バスに乗り込んで来た二人連は、大きなボストンバックを提げていたー。
In the backstreets of Ginza, the boss of a hairdressing salon is found dead, killed by strangulation. The detective on the case soon hears rumors about the murder.
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.
Upon discovering that her father has a mistress, a young girl befriends the "other woman" and her child. Realizing that her half-sister is doomed to being regarded as an outcast, the heroine sets about to spiritually legitimize the girl.
Shigeki Kachi, Tosuke Satomura, and Nanako, who belong to the theater company Vuanbert around Dosa, withdrew at the indignation of the chairman Hayashi and seeked their own careers in the film industry.