Fiona Highbridge
Runaway Tracy is snatched from a dangerous L.A. neighborhood by sadistic thugs while searching for her homeless boyfriend. Her police detective mom races against time to rescue Tracy from the big money, high crime world of sex trafficking.
English Woman (uncredited)
“生命の泉”を目指して繰り広げられる、ジャック・スパロウの新たな冒険! 史上最恐の海賊・黒ひげが、永遠の生命をもたらすと言われる“生命の泉”を狙って動きだした時、ジャック・スパロウの前に、かつて愛した女海賊アンジェリカが現れ、呪われた航海へと誘う。時同じくして、ジャックの相棒ギブスの前に現れたのは、英国王に“生命の泉”を探す忠誠を誓い、海軍将校となった元海賊のバルボッサ。果たして、泉への鍵を握る“人魚の涙”を手に入れ、“生命の泉”へたどり着けるのは誰なのか―。
Miss Sutherland
Five college film students enter a haunted forest and shoot a documentary about the half-human, half-pig creatures known as the Pig People.
Femme fatal/con artist Bridget Gregory travels to Barcelona and targets another businessman to scam him of his money while a relentless private investigator tries to track her down.