René Bazinet

出生 : 1955-04-26, Bochum, Germany


René Bazinet is a German-Canadian clown, mime, and stage and film actor. He is known for his work with Cirque du Soleil.


Silent Sonata
Old Man
A man stays alone with his children in a half demolished house in the middle of a desolate field. His wife has just been killed by a grenade in a military battle. He is expecting a new attack. Instead a wandering caravan called Circus Fantasticus stops by the house. They bring along the dying director of the circus. Is it possible for anything beautiful to happen in a landscape of war and death? Can life go on? Is it possible to realize that death does not exist?
Alegría: An Enchanting Fable
Frac, a mime who is suffering from a severe bout of depression, happens to meet a troupe of circus entertainers and immediately falls in love with one of the stars, Giulietta. But while his affection for Giulietta and admiration for the performers gives him a new lease on life, Giulietta's father, the leader of the troupe, opposes the relationship and is determined to keep them apart. Meanwhile, Frac and Giulietta discover a gang of children who are held prisoner by a criminal leader who forces them to do his bidding, and they devise a plan to win the kids their freedom. .
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ サルティンバンコ
The Baron / Eddie / La Mort
「サルティンバンコ」のテーマは“明るく輝かしい未来"。人間の未来を象徴する子供が、魂の冒険を通じてアイデンティティーを確立していく - 。世界各国から選び抜かれた50人以上のパフォーマーたちが肉体の限界をこえた驚異のアクロバットを披露。ロシア人親子による究極の肉体芸“アダージオ"や、中国雑技団のお家芸をさらに高度にアレンジした“チャイニーズ・ポール"、“シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ"の原点でもある大道芸“ジャグリング"など、大興奮の演目が満載だ。まさにサーカスの概念を覆すほどの高度なパフォーマンスと芸術性は、公演後一大ブームを巻き起こしている。
Satie and Suzanne
Chess Player
As the waters of the river Seine overflow their banks and surround a Parisian café, composer Erik Satie nurtures bittersweet memories of his one-time lover Suzanne Valadon.