Yoko Itakura


コンフィデンスマンJP 英雄編
Director of Photography
2018年4月期のテレビドラマから始まり、初の劇場版として2019年に公開した『コンフィデンスマンJP ロマンス編』は、大ヒットを記録! そして2020年に公開された映画第2弾『コンフィデンスマンJP プリンセス編』も、前作を超える大大ヒット!!そして待望の映画第3弾! 『ロマンス編』では香港、『プリンセス編』ではマレーシアのランカウイ島と、海外の豪華な舞台が話題にもなってきた本作ですが、この度ついに、コンフィデンスマンたちがヨーロッパに進出!!街全体が“世界遺産”に登録されているマルタの首都・ヴァレッタで、騙し合いバトルが勃発!最後に騙すのは、仲間!?“英雄”と謳われた詐欺師〈三代目ツチノコ〉が死んだ。その元で腕を磨いた過去を持つダー子、ボクちゃん、リチャード。当代随一の腕を持つコンフィデンスマンによって密かに受け継がれる〈ツチノコ〉の称号をかけ、3人の真剣勝負がはじまる。舞台は世界中のセレブが集まる世界遺産の都市〈マルタ島・ヴァレッタ〉。狙うは、莫大な財を成し引退したスペイン人の元マフィアが所有する、幻の古代ギリシャ彫刻〈踊るビーナス〉。それぞれの方法でオサカナに近づく3人だったが、そこに警察さらにはインターポールの捜査の手が迫っていた・・・。果たして最後に笑うのは誰なのか!?まったく先の読めない史上最大の騙し合いが始まる!!そして、本当の〈英雄〉、最後の〈真実〉とは—!?
Director of Photography
直木賞作家・佐藤正午の同名ベストセラーを藤原竜也主演で映画化。都内のバー。かつて直木賞を受賞した天才小説家・津田伸一は、担当編集者の鳥飼なほみに執筆中の新作小説を読ませていた。その内容に心を踊らせる鳥飼だったが、津田の話を聞けば聞くほど小説の中だけの話とは思えない。この小説が本当にフィクションなのか検証を始めた鳥飼は、やがて驚きの真実にたどり着く。謎めいた小説家・津田を藤原、津田に翻弄される担当編集者・鳥飼を土屋太鳳、津田とコーヒーショップで出会った日に失踪したバーのマスター、幸地秀吉を風間俊介、津田の行きつけのコーヒーショップ店員・沼本を西野七瀬、彼らが暮らす街の裏社会を仕切る倉田健次郎を豊川悦司が演じる。監督は「ホテル ビーナス」のタカハタ秀太。
コンフィデンスマンJP プリンセス編
Director of Photography
コンフィデンスマンJP ロマンス編
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Every day, a young girl wearing a mask stands by the beach and sings a nostalgic melody. After experiencing two sudden heart-wrenching partings when she was only a child, Nino Arisugawa has been singing her songs to the ocean, bound by a promise made with her two childhood friends—her first love, Momo Sakaki, and a boy who composed music, Kanade "Yuzu" Yuzuriha. Having never met each other, the boys both individually promised that if Nino was ever separated from them, her voice would be the beacon to reunite them once again.
Director of Photography
In 1946, on a fictional island called Gokumon-tou, located in the Inner Sea of Seto, the famous detective Kindaichi intended to pass his convalescence after the invitation of his war buddy Kitou Chimata, the successor son of the powerful clan of the Kitou Family. But Kindaichi arrives alone, bringing the bad news of Chimata's death. However, the truth is that Kindaichi is not on the island to recover. Before Chimata died, she uttered the words: "My sisters will be killed!" Indeed, as the three sisters are murdered one by one in horrible and strange ways, Kindaichi desperately tries to find the culprit and in the process discovers the intrigues of the family, secrets, island mentality, discrimination, and eccentricities, With the backdrop of the turbulent postwar period.
植物図鑑 運命の恋、ひろいました
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In bustling Shibya, Momose sees his high school classmate Yashiro. Yashiro is dressed as a girl. Momose continues to observe Yashiro and becomes attracted to him. Meanwhile, Yashiro becomes embarrassed that Momose knows that he dresses up like a girl.
Director of Photography
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a Monday, but he will break up with that person by Sunday. Yuzuru Shino is a third year student at the same high school. He looks pretty, but all of his former girlfriends end up dumping him. Yuzuru Shino becomes curious about Toji Seryo. On a whim, half serious and half joking, Yuzuru Shino asks Toji Seryo to date. The film is based on a comic. Part 1 follows Monday to Thursday. Part 2 follows Friday to Sunday.
Director of Photography
Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a Monday, but he will break up with that person by Sunday. Yuzuru Shino is a third year student at the same high school. He looks pretty, but all of his former girlfriends end up dumping him. Yuzuru Shino becomes curious about Toji Seryo. On a whim, half serious & half joking, Yuzuru Shino asks Toji Seryo to date. The film is based on a comic. Part 1 follows Monday to Thursday. Part 2 follows Friday to Sunday.
Director of Photography
Takashi Hayama is a third year high school student. He falls in love with Azusa Oribe at first sight and they begin to date. One day, Azusa tells Takashi "people who meet me, forget about me several hours later." Takashi doesn't believe Azusa, but by chance he realizes that he forgot about Azusa. So he won't forget Azusa, Takashi begins to leave a note for himself and Azusa.
シャンティ デイズ 365日、幸せな呼吸
Director of Photography
21-year-old Misora Honzawa went to Tokyo from Aomori. Misora Honzawa happens to see Kumi on TV who is a yoga Instructor and model. By chance, the two women begin to live together. At first Misora Honzawa, who is easygoing, and Kumi, who is high maintenance, do not get along with each other. Because they share interests in yoga they eventually become closer and think about happiness and life.
Director of Photography
Shima is an extremely shy young man who just started a new job. On his first day, he shares an elevator with a brash, hungover man named Togawa, who he soon learns is actually his boss. Over time, Shima becomes preoccupied with the Togawa as he tries to decide if it’s worth perusing a romantic relationship after a string of disappointments in his love life.
Director of Photography
High school student Azusa jumps off from the rooftop of a school building, but she survives. One month later, the school is taken over by group of people wearing bizarre masks. A pregnant teacher is imprisoned, while the head director of the school and male students disappear. Azusa then finds pieces of a puzzle in an envelope given to her by classmate Shigeo. The puzzle pieces holds the key to solve the case. Azusa chases after Shigeo and she sees something which is unimaginable.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
取引相手を訪ねた新人営業マンの浩介 は、そこで同じ中学校に通っていた幼なじみの真緒 と10年ぶりの再会を果たす。学年有数のバカとして名をはせ、何かといじめられていた彼女が、当時の姿から想像がつかないほど魅力的な女性になったことに驚く浩介。再会に運命めいたもの感じた二人は惹(ひ)かれ合うようになり、結婚を決意するまでに。だが、真緒は誰にも知られてはならない、とんでもない秘密を持っていて……。
Director of Photography
On the night of Mikihiko's 18th birthday, Mikihiko thinks of childhood friend Morio. Morio has been in vegetative state since the age of 6 after being involved in an accident.One day, Moria awakens from his vegetative state. Morio still has the mind of a 6-year-old.
セイジ -陸の魚-
Director of Photography
The Masked Girl
Lighting Director
Released as part of a Neo Action double bill with Tsujimoto Takanori's Hard Revenge, Milly, Kaneko Isao's The Masked Girl follows the giddy action adventures of a high school superheroine called upon to battle supreme evil. On the way home from school one day, high school girl Hoshino Ai (Shimizu Yuki) gets kidnapped by an evil crime organization called Joker, led by devil incarnate Black Maria (Sato Aiko). Ai manages to escape with the help of teacher Aoyama (Kida Tsuyoshi), but realizes she's gained superhero powers after being genetically modified by Joker. She reveals her problems to friend Yumi (Nakamura Shizuka), only to discover that Yumi also been genetically modified and brainwashed to serve Joker. Friends become foes as Ai is forced to fight Yumi, but that's only the beginning of the battle. To take down Black Maria and Joker, Ai must trade in her sailor skirt for superheroine threads, and become The Masked Girl!
The Masked Girl
Director of Photography
Released as part of a Neo Action double bill with Tsujimoto Takanori's Hard Revenge, Milly, Kaneko Isao's The Masked Girl follows the giddy action adventures of a high school superheroine called upon to battle supreme evil. On the way home from school one day, high school girl Hoshino Ai (Shimizu Yuki) gets kidnapped by an evil crime organization called Joker, led by devil incarnate Black Maria (Sato Aiko). Ai manages to escape with the help of teacher Aoyama (Kida Tsuyoshi), but realizes she's gained superhero powers after being genetically modified by Joker. She reveals her problems to friend Yumi (Nakamura Shizuka), only to discover that Yumi also been genetically modified and brainwashed to serve Joker. Friends become foes as Ai is forced to fight Yumi, but that's only the beginning of the battle. To take down Black Maria and Joker, Ai must trade in her sailor skirt for superheroine threads, and become The Masked Girl!