Follows Allee, as she meets Ethan, a charismatic Wine Inc. representative who wants to convince Allee's grandparents to sell their family vineyard, and things get complicated as Allee and Ethan get closer but want different outcomes.
Additional Editing
科学的な探検隊が、ボルネオ島の深いジャングルに咲く珍しい黒蘭を探して、強力な製薬会社のグループに加わります。 この花への関心は、永遠の若さ、さらには不滅の秘密を保持する強力な物質を含んでいるという事実によるものです。 しかし、彼らはすぐに蘭がそのサイズと活力を高めるために巨大なヘビによって使用されることを発見します。
When surf crazy Brandon throws a surf mental he is sentenced to 'helping' in a home for the mentally disabled. Then enter two of the home's people. The two men realize that Brandon is there new ticket for a fun getaway. A day trip to the beach results in them meeting a mysterious waitress called Jo. A accidental murder gets them into strife, but if they want to live they will have to stay under the radar.
A mom of three buys a cheap, old house. However, the backyard cubby-house is cursed with pure evil that took the previous owner's two kids and her kids are next.