Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
Twins Jade and Kaisa are going for a rowing trip on a beautiful Finnish summer day. Social media influencer Jade has actually something else in mind and the trip doesn’t end up as planned.
Summer 1962 and Olli Mäki has a shot at the world championship title in featherweight boxing. From the Finnish countryside to the bright lights of Helsinki, everything has been prepared for his fame and fortune. All Olli has to do is lose weight and concentrate. But there is a problem – he has fallen in love with Raija.