Michel Périard


The Last Kiss
Key Grip
Michael has a great job, has his 4 best friends, and is in love with a beautiful girl at 30. He loves Jenna but his life seems predictable until someone else enters his life. It seems that everybody's having relationship problems.
マシューがリサに初めて会った瞬間から、それは彼の強迫観念になります。 彼女は店の窓の前を通り、シカゴのウィッカーパーク周辺で働いています。彼は夢中になります。 彼女は彼に従い、彼らは出会い、すぐに恋に落ちます。 彼らの関係のすべては、ある日彼女が跡形もなく姿を消すまで完璧です。
The Assignment
Key Grip
Jack Shaw has experienced the terror first-hand. He's a top CIA agent who's tracked international killer-for-hire Carlos "The Jackal" Sanchez for over twenty years and barely survived Carlos' devastating bombing of a Parisian cafe. Now, he finally gets a break when he discovers Carlos' dead ringer: American naval officer and dedicated family man Annibal Ramirez.