Akio Motojima


Line Producer
Line Producer
淫獣教師 III 実写版
Manami, the sole survivor of Angel of Darkness 2, is rushed to hospital where she slips into a deep sleep. A priest correctly suspects that the demon (now referred to as an Injuu) is inside Manami's body, but by the time he is able to confirm his theory, the creature has already moved on. As before, the tentacled beastie passes from host to host (by thrusting its slimy appendages into its victims' orifices), eventually ending up inside goody-goody schoolgirl Fumie, who does her best 'Linda Blair' impersonation for a while, before the priest inevitably turns up to save the day.
淫獣教師 II 実写版
This slice of shot-on-video hentai horror kicks off with a crazy old woman stealing what looks like all-butter shortbread from three statues wearing red hats. This causes an earthquake which releases ancient demon spores from a cave into a nearby pool of water. Unfortunately, this pool is precisely where a lesbian professor—part of a group of students and teachers who are spending a few days camping in the woods—decides to refill her water canteen. She accidentally ingests the spores, which causes the eruption of huge, thrashing, veiny, slime-covered tentacles that seek out new victims and enter the nearest orifice, thus allowing the demon to pass from host to host.
淫獣教師 実写版
At a high school in Tokyo, several of the female students have been moon-lighting as prostitutes. A teacher catches onto this fact and goes about putting an end to it. Things go awry when he discovers he turns into a sex demon with tentacles whenever he gets aroused (huh?). He turns from savior to vilifier, poor prostitute school girls.
A woman is being sexually assaulted by a pair of thugs, when out of the fog appear the High Heeled Cats – a trio of avenging angels, masked and dressed in black. These beautiful vigilantes make a living running a coffee shop by day, and kicking misogynist criminals in the balls by night. Their boss is an elderly lady offering a payback service to women who have been mistreated by men. The cops can’t be seen to allow this kind of behavior, but they are increasingly frustrated with the lack of clues that might lead to the identity of the trio – despite the fact that the two detectives on the case visit the coffee shop daily, to flirt with and grope the waitresses, and drink the occasional cup of coffee. The high heeled honeys eventually bite off more than they can chew when they get on the bad side of a ruthless gangster, who sets a creepy assassin on their trail.