Gabe Wood


The Harrow
Miller lives alone in an abandoned Alabama slaughterhouse. His memory and sanity are shattered and his only company is the spirit of his lover, who was murdered a decade ago. Ruth arrives, desperate to discover the truth about her mother's death. She stays with Miller for three nights. Together they piece together the fragments of his memory, but they are horrified at what they uncover.
「ハングオーバー! 消えた花ムコと史上最悪の二日酔い」の脚本コンビ、ジョン・ルーカスとスコット・ムーアが贈る入れ替わりコメディ。出演はライアン・レイノルズとジェイソン・ベイトマン。ある日、スポーツバーで酒を酌み交わした2人。お互いの生活を羨ましく思い、入れ替わりたいと語り合う彼らだったが、何気なく同時に唱えたその希望が、一夜明けると現実になっていた…。
Coach Tyranny: Sowing the Seeds of Victory
Ms. Fox (Voice) / Extras (Voice)
If you're ever around the Oxbow High School football field on a cool, autumn afternoon, you're likely to hear Coach Gene Tierney barking his favorite line, "Don't mess with the chest!" "Coach Tyranny," as his players call him, is on a mission to change the world, just as soon as he figures out how. In fact, he is so obsessed with developing neck, chest, and calf muscles that he needs a little help from the people around him to keep him on the right track. Even though he may seem misguided, Coach Tyranny has a massive chest that houses one of the biggest hearts around. In the end, if there's one thing we can learn from Coach Tyranny, it's that God really can use anyone.