A former slave who arrives in Yellowstone City, Montana, a desolate former boomtown now on the decline, looking for a place to call home. On that same day, a local prospector discovers gold - and is murdered.
Executive Producer
A fussy celebrity caterer, a blind woman, a tour-bus guide and an inexperienced wedding planner search for love.
A rowdy, unorthodox Santa Claus is fighting to save his declining business. Meanwhile, Billy, a neglected and precocious 12 year old, hires a hit man to kill Santa after receiving a lump of coal in his stocking.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
A pair of comic book writers begin to notice scary similarities between the character they created and horrific real-life events.
Executive Producer
A high school senior, Alex Lainey, has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her small town. She soon develops dangerous, supernatural abilities and turns to her childhood friend Sean Terrel. The authorities target them and a chase ensues as officials try to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.
Executive Producer
A famous opera singer is held hostage in South America by a guerrilla rebel group after performing at a Japanese businessman's lavish birthday party. Unexpected bonds are forged in the standoff that ensues.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
A couple is going through marital troubles made worse when a previously unknown grandson shows up.
Executive Producer
Based on a true story, this riveting western follows a headstrong New York widow as she journeys west to meet Sioux chief Sitting Bull, facing off with an army officer intent on war with Native Americans.
Executive Producer
While James More is held captive by terrorists in Somalia, thousands of miles away on the Greenland Sea, his lover Danny Flinders prepares to dive herself in a submersible into the deep bottom of the ocean, tormented by the memories of their brief encounter in France and her inability to know his whereabouts.
Executive Producer
ミステリーの女王アガサ・クリスティが1949年に発表した「ねじれた家」を映画化。無一文から巨万の富を築いた大富豪レオニデスが毒殺され、私立探偵のチャールズは、レオニデスの孫娘で元恋人のソフィアから捜査を依頼される。レオニデスの屋敷には3世代にわたる一族が勢ぞろいしており、巨額の遺産をめぐって疑惑や嫉妬、憎悪が入り乱れていた。捜査を開始したチャールズは、ソフィアを含めた一族全員に殺害の動機があることに気づく。そして真相に近づいていく中で、第2の殺人が起こり……。 一族を仕切る大伯母イーディス役に、「天才作家の妻 40年目の真実」ほかで7度のアカデミー賞ノミネートのグレン・クローズ。私立探偵チャールズ役は同作でクローズと共演しているマックス・アイアンズ。監督に「サラの鍵」「ダーク・プレイス」のジル・パケ=ブレネール、脚本に群像劇「ゴスフォード・パーク」でアカデミー脚本賞を受賞しているジュリアン・フェロウズ。
Awkward, isolated and disapproving of most of the people around her, a precocious 19-year-old genius is challenged to put her convictions to the test by venturing out on to the NYC dating scene.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
In 1951, Marcus Messner, a working-class Jewish student from New Jersey, attends a small Ohio college, where he struggles with anti-Semitism, sexual repression, and the ongoing Korean War.
Executive Producer
In 1970, a few days before Christmas, Elvis Presley showed up on the White House lawn seeking to be deputized into the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs by the President himself.