A socially awkward band geek, Steven Turano, is planning on killing himself. However, when Clarence, the new quirky kid in school, befriends him, Steven's plans are sidetracked and he reaches beyond his comfort zone forming stronger relationships with his father, friends and teachers. The boys form an inseparable bond as Clarence finds creative ways to pull Steven out of his depression.
Seven strangers try to survive in the aftermath of a devastating outbreak. They must band together to escape from an isolated Los Angeles that has been hit by a virus that dramatically alters infected humans.
An unstable mental patient goes on an overnight rampage to terrorize an ex-rock star and his friends, only to discover she is linked to him in mysterious ways.
Rubie is a classic grade school bully. She is challenged by Santa; she must get a present from a real friend by Christmas, or he’ll make her as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. Rubie learns it's the inside that's most important in a person.