Sayu Kubota

Sayu Kubota

出生 : 2000-01-18, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan


久保田 紗友(くぼた さゆ、2000年1月18日生まれ)は、日本の女優。2012年に女優デビュー。NHK連続テレビ小説「べっぴんさん」(17/NHK)、「過保護のカホコ」(17/NTV)、「この世界の片隅に」(18/TBS)にて存在感を示し、「M 愛すべき人がいて」(20/EX)での熱演が話題に。主な映画出演作は、『疾風ロンド』(16/吉田照幸監督)、『ハローグッバイ』(17/菊地健雄監督)、『サヨナラまでの30分』(20/萩原健太郎監督)など。2021年公開の『叩き壊すほどに君へ-WADAIKO†GIRLS-』(奥秋泰男監督)では主演を務める。また、現在放送中の「先生を消す方程式。」(テレビ朝日)に出演中。


Sayu Kubota
Sayu Kubota


Sonoki Kana
Kaminiida Midori is a member of "Pon Poko Pi", a three-person streamer group. The number of views of their videos has been dropping and Midori has been tasked by her friends to be the "test subject" of a surprise documentary project, "Let a cute girl approach a guy who looks like he has never dated anyone". One day, Midori approaches an unattractive man named Ishibashi Wataru, and begins dating him, but gradually feels guilty about it.
浅見光彦 源氏物語殺人事件
ルポライターの浅見光彦(岩田剛典)は、“軽井沢のセンセ”と慕うミステリー作家(榎木孝明)に呼び出され、滞在先の鎌倉へ向かう。円覚寺に立ち寄った光彦は、哀しみに暮れる曾宮一恵(久保田紗友)と遭遇。彼女は光彦に「両親が殺された」と訴えてきて…。 事件は一カ月前、和菓子店「芳華堂」を営む実家で起きた。久々に家に戻った一恵は、父・健夫(山中聡)、母・華江(大路恵美)と開店2周年を祝っていたが、ワインを飲んだ途端、全員意識不明に。その後発見されたが両親は死亡。ワインに毒物が混入されていた上、多額の借金を抱え、遺書も見つかったことから、鎌倉北警察署は健夫が無理心中を図ったと断定した。だが一恵は他殺を主張。なんと幽体離脱して天井から犯人を目撃したという…。 心中か他殺か――和菓子店を巡る奇妙な事件はやがて思わぬ方向へ!謎を解く鍵は源氏物語!?名探偵ルポライターが秋の鎌倉・京都を舞台に難事件の解決に挑む!
Maria Niijima
Kyoko Hori
Miyamura is quiet and keeps to himself, and honors student Kyoko is cheerful and popular. They are polar opposites but both have a secret persona that no one knows about. They get to know each other after randomly discovering each other's secret side.
After Hiyori is admitted to the hospital, Uta goes around recording sounds from the memories, wishing for her to regain consciousness. She believes that they can return to that day. As she traces their memories, she makes a discovery.
Kana Murase
Makino Maria (segment "Rushed to the Witch")
This project, a fusion of poetry, music, and movies, gives birth to a new style of filmmaking, through the work of five directors.
Momoko Kubo
The owner of an established photo studio, collapses from illness. His son Shinta, who was raised by his divorced wife, comes home. One day, an elderly woman named shows up at the studio and beckons Shinta to come with her. They arrive at a grassy field where Shinta finds about the secret of the "singing voice" that keeps echoing in his memory and about his father's feelings.
過保護のカホコ~2018 ラブ&ドリーム~
Tomita Ito
Set one year after drama series "Overprotected Kahoko." Kahoko is busy running her daycare center "Kahoko House" and also doing housework. Things at work and home are not going smoothly. "Kahoko House" is in financial difficulties and she isn't very good with housework. Her relationship with her husband Hajime is troubled and his career as a painter has been unsuccessful to date. Can Kahoko turn things around?
Aoi Imamura
Hazuki and Aoi are classmates but their relationship outside class is fraught, and outside school non-existent. But when both girls are drawn to helping an elderly woman, they're forced to interact, confronting their differences and similarities as well as their deepest secrets.
Ikumi Yamasaki
極秘裏に作られた危険な生物兵器“K−55”が医科学研究所から盗まれた。紛失に気付いた主任研究員の栗林は、 所長の東郷のもとに脅迫メールとK−55が埋められた場所を示すテディベアの写真が届いたと知らされる。だが犯人らしき差出人の元研究員・葛原は、メールを出したすぐ後、事故で死亡していた。栗林は東郷の依頼で写真の場所が野沢温泉スキー場だと突き止め、息子の秀人を連れてK−55捜索に向かう。
Based on Fuyumi Ono's best-selling books, these 10 tales of spookiness by six Japanese horror directors are designed to chill viewers to the bone.
アゲイン 28年目の甲子園
劇場版 しまじろうのわお! しまじろうと くじらのうた
Sea Fairy
Shimajiro, who helped an injured baby whale Kuu-chan, takes care of Kuu-chan who wants to return to her mother and keeps her in touch. In order to return Ku-chan, who was about to be sent to the aquarium, to her mother, Shimajiro rides on her back and sets out on a journey toward the southern sea.
Kobato Hasegawa
Second year high school student Kodaka Hasegawa has transferred to his new school about a month ago, but he still hasn't made any friends. Kodaka Hasegawa was born from a Japanese father and a British mother. Because of his appearance, people think Kodaka Hasegawa is a troubled kid. One day, Kodaka Hasegawa sees classmate Yozora Mikazuki pleasantly talking to herself. Kodaka Hasegawa talks with her about how to make friends. To make friends, Yozora Mikazuki decides to form the Neighbor's Club and forces Kodaka to enroll in the club.
Akiko Yamauchi
テレビ朝日開局55周年記念、松本清張没後20年企画として、松本清張「十万分の一の偶然」「熱い空気」が 2週連続でドラマ化されます。 夜間の東名高速道路下り線・沼津インターチェンジ近くのカーブで、自動車が次々に大破・炎上する、玉突き衝突事故が発生した。アルミバン・トラックが急ブレーキをかけ、横転したことに始まったと推測されるも、事故直後の警察の現場検証では、ブレーキをかける原因となるような障害の痕跡は、まったく発見されなかった。 一方、大事故の瞬間を捉えた山鹿恭介の写真「激突」は、カメラの迫真力を発揮した作品として、A新聞社主催の「ニュース写真年間最高賞」を受賞、決定的瞬間の場面に撮影者が立ち会っていたことは奇蹟的、十万に一つの偶然と評された。 しかし、事故で婚約者・山内明子を喪った沼井正平は、状況に不審を抱き、調査を開始する。「十万分の一の偶然」は作られたものなのか。いったい、どのような方法で? 探索の末、「事故」の正体を突き止めたと思い、正平は行動に出るが…。