Todd Clark


Best Boy Electric
カリフォルニア州オークランド。黒人青年のコリンは不運が重なって逮捕され、1年間の保護観察処分を言い渡される。それ以来、彼は、極力トラブルを避けて謹慎生活に励み、観察処分が無事終了するまで残りあと3日までこぎつける。しかし、彼の幼なじみの白人青年マイルズは札付きのトラブルメーカーで日頃から銃を持ち歩き、コリンは気が気でない。そんなある晩、コリンは、白人警官が黒人男性を射殺するさまを偶然目撃する。 第34回サンダンス映画祭のオープニング作品として上映され、幅広い支持を獲得。 主演の2人、D・ディグスとR・カザルは私生活でも長年の友人で、共同で製作や脚本も兼任。
A Christmas Carol: The Concert
Scenic Artist
A Christmas Carol: The Concert is a unique musical event — Charles Dickens' popular 1843 novella has been adapted for a live orchestral concert with choir and soloists, and performed for an audience in a concert setting. The score, composed by Bob Christianson, recalls Broadway classics such as Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, and is filled with memorable, haunting and rousing songs. It includes musical styles that range from classical to Broadway to blues and gospel. The story, faithfully adapted by Alisa Hauser (who also wrote the lyrics), is performed by leading lights from the Chicago and New York theater world, including Michael Aaron Lindner (Ebenezer Scrooge), E. Faye Butler (Narrator), Scott Coulter (Fred/Bob Cratchit), Kyle Scatliffe (Marley/The Ghosts), and Arya Daire (Belle).
A Christmas Carol: The Concert
Lighting Artist
A Christmas Carol: The Concert is a unique musical event — Charles Dickens' popular 1843 novella has been adapted for a live orchestral concert with choir and soloists, and performed for an audience in a concert setting. The score, composed by Bob Christianson, recalls Broadway classics such as Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, and is filled with memorable, haunting and rousing songs. It includes musical styles that range from classical to Broadway to blues and gospel. The story, faithfully adapted by Alisa Hauser (who also wrote the lyrics), is performed by leading lights from the Chicago and New York theater world, including Michael Aaron Lindner (Ebenezer Scrooge), E. Faye Butler (Narrator), Scott Coulter (Fred/Bob Cratchit), Kyle Scatliffe (Marley/The Ghosts), and Arya Daire (Belle).