Emeri Abel


Second Assistant Director
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
Dear Passengers
A lonely traveler embarks on a journey to find relief for a hidden yearning. Her restless longing spreads around and forces fellow passengers to face their own desires and disappointments.
Mia & Liki
It seems the summer will last forever. Sisters Mia and Liki are taking the most out of it, but the signs that something's wrong with the parents, are disturbing their happy life. Girls perceive the changes around them, but can’t comprehend the situation, which causes inexplicable fear and confusion.
Time Capsule
Emeri comes across a map from her childhood - a map that marks the location of a time capsule buried 19 years earlier - and memories come rushing back.
TENET テネット
Third Assistant Director
満席の観客で賑わうウクライナのオペラハウスで、テロ事件が勃発。罪もない人々の大量虐殺を阻止するべく、特殊部隊が館内に突入する。部隊に参加していた名もなき男(ジョン・デヴィッド・ワシントン)は、仲間を救うため身代わりとなって捕えられ、毒薬を飲んでしまう…しかし、その薬は何故か鎮痛剤にすり替えられていた。昏睡状態から目覚めた名もなき男は、フェイと名乗る男から“あるミッション”を命じられる。それは、未来からやってきた敵と戦い、世界を救うというもの。未来では、“時間の逆行”と呼ばれる装置が開発され、人や物が過去へと移動できるようになっていた。 ミッションのキーワードは<TENET(テネット)>。「その言葉の使い方次第で、未来が決まる」。謎のキーワード、TENET(テネット)を使い、第三次世界大戦を防ぐのだ。突然、巨大な任務に巻き込まれた名もなき男。彼は任務を遂行する事ができるのか?
Self Made Cameraman
An adventurous tragedy about Estonia's first film maker Johannes Pääsuke and his aspirations to travel around with a film camera and find happiness. Together with a good friend, Volter, Pääsuke will spend an incredible week in Setumaa.
Assistant Director
In this modern adaptation of the classic Greek myth two young lovers bound by a tragic fate plot to escape their homes to start a new life somewhere far from their families.