Key Animation
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Key Animation
Key Animation
Nezumi Monogatari is the story of two mice called George and Gerald who embark on a journey together with three friends to find the “Dragon of Light”.
Key Animation
Rollpanna visits Ukikimo Castle and meets Princess Lola. Her job is to wash away the world's dirt. However, the machine for that has broken down and Rollpanna helps her repair it. Worried that the Ukigumo Castle is dirty, Anpanman came to help. But Baikinman has invaded and tried to fill the world with dirt using "bamboo rain". Rollpanna is turned into Black Rollpanna, and then Currypanman is also turned black. Can Anpanman and friends save the day?
Key Animation
Key Animation
Can Anpanman and friends rescue Princess Olga and regain Tsumiki Island?
Key Animation
Anpanman helps the princess Nandananda to find the The Shining Star's Tear.