Anastasi Rinos


Un vas d'aigua per a l'Elio
14 anys i un día
Arantxa, a fourteen-year-old teenager, decides to confront her mother to tell her that she will no longer endure violence as a method of education.
Plou I Fa Sol
Torre Barona
¡Soy un pelele!
Olvido, a low hours writer, sees a chance to regain his career and, above all, to win the love of his life, a renowned film director when he suffers a shock that leaves him amnesiac.
El campo de batalla
En la calle
Celia's Lives
The night Celia unsuccessfully attempts suicide, a teenage girl (Melany) is raped and murdered nearby. Miguel Ángel, the police officer in charge of finding the perpetrator of the crime, digs around Celia and her closest circle, including her two sisters (Carmen and Ángela) and her husband Agustín. While the cop suspects about the girl's boyfriend (Pedro), Celia suspects about her husband.
Every So Often in the World...
Five documentary shorts about various children from the third world.
El efecto Iguazú
Editorial Manager
Documentary about the so-called "hope camp", which narrates the long protest carried out by the Sintel workers camped in the middle of Castellana Street in Madrid in defence of their labour rights. The documentary follows the evolution of the events during 4 months, from April to August 2001, reflecting the life of these people during their encampment and the negotiations between the government and the trade unions.
Últimas tardes con Teresa
Adapted from the novel by Juan Marse, the film shows two distant worlds in the Spain of the 50's, the suburban and the bourgeois, which are related through two characters, Manolo Reyes, vulgar motorcycle thief who aspires to escape poverty and Teresa Serrat, university student of bourgeois extraction seduced by the revolutionary cause.
Entre paréntesis
Money's Bitch
Mater amatísima
Clara- an attractive- sophisticated and unmarried woman- and the autistic child who transforms and absorbs her life- astonishingly interpreted by a very young Victoria Abril and autistic actor Julito de la Cruz- Mater Amatsima astonished audiences at Cannes Festival by providing an extreme dissection of the mother-child bond in an uneasily honest and rather confrontational way.
Catalan Cuckold
Comedy about a marriage guidance counselor whose own marriage is on the rocks.
A group of boys and girls are locked up a weekend in a friends house in which they do a party that little to little is converted in an orgy. But not everything is sex, there are also cinematographic digressions, chocolate and churros, and good humor.
Seven Murders for Scotland Yard
Assistant Editor
Several murders have taken place in London. All the victims are prostitutes and the murderer is using the same techniques as Jack the Ripper. Peter Dockerman, an ex-acrobat and husband of one of the victims is the prime suspect. But whoever the killer is has cannibalistic tendencies and if Scotland Yard doesn't solve the murders quickly the evidence just might be eaten!