Michele Cuciuffo

Michele Cuciuffo

出生 : 1971-01-01, Saarbrücken, Germany


Michele Cuciuffo


Im Schatten der Angst - Du sollst nicht lügen
Péter Sándor
Die Bilderkriegerin - Anja Niedringhaus
Photographer Anja Niedringhaus was 26 when she came to Sarajevo in 1992 to report on the war. It's bitterly cold there, there's no electricity, hardly any food, and everyone's lives are constantly in danger. Spanish photographer Sergio takes her under his wing and shows her how to survive in a war zone. Anja reported on the scene with interruptions for almost three years, later she worked in Kosovo and Afghanistan, among other places. In 2001 she switched to the most renowned photo agency in the world, the Associated Press . Her photos end up on the front pages of the major international newspapers, and in 2005 she received the Pulitzer Prize for her reporting from Iraq. In Kabul, she meets the AP's chief correspondent, Kathy Gannon, and the two soon become an inseparable team. But then a devastating attack took place during the Afghan presidential elections in 2014.
Heute stirbt hier Kainer
Alle Nadeln an der Tanne
Lut Belloff
Redakteur Paris
ドイツの絵本作家ジュディス・カーが少女時代の体験を基につづった自伝的小説「ヒトラーにぬすまれたももいろうさぎ」を、「名もなきアフリカの地で」のカロリーヌ・リンク監督が映画化。1933年2月。ベルリンで両親や兄と暮らす9歳のアンナは、ある朝突然、「家族でスイスに逃げる」と母から告げられる。新聞やラジオでヒトラーへの痛烈な批判を展開していた演劇批評家でユダヤ人でもある父は、次の選挙でのヒトラーの勝利が現実味を帯びてきたことに身の危険を感じ、密かに亡命の準備を進めていたのだ。持ち物は1つだけと言われたアンナは大好きなピンクのうさぎのぬいぐるみに別れを告げ、過酷な逃亡生活へと踏み出していく。アンナの父を「帰ってきたヒトラー」のオリバー・マスッチ、母を「ブレードランナー 2049」のカーラ・ジュリ、心優しいユリウスおじさんを「お名前はアドルフ?」のユストゥス・フォン・ドーナニーが演じた。
Spuren der Rache
Sharif Nader
Kästner and Little Tuesday
Mr. Stern
Germany, 1931. The youth novel "Emil and the Detectives" is being filmed, which will make its author, Erich Kästner, world famous. An unusual friendship begins between the childless author and fatherless Hans, the 9-year-old playing the character Little Tuesday. Their friendship is put to the ultimate test in the Third Reich when Kästner's books are banned and little Hans becomes a Hitler Youth. Based on a true story.
Let's go!
Herr Grün
Die Schrift des Freundes
Hakan Ylmaz