Natsumi Okamoto

Natsumi Okamoto

出生 : 1998-07-01, Kanagawa, Japan


Natsumi Okamoto
Natsumi Okamoto


Endo Ayumi
Ishimori Uka is very shy and has a hard time making friends. When she was a middle school student, students made fun of her by calling her "stone". Around that time, she met Miura Kai with lemon color hair. Because of him, she entered the same high school. Uka now wants to overcome her shyness and have friends. Kai is a popular student at the school, but he doesn't talk much or seem interested in others. He doesn't know why, but he becomes concerned with Uka. Uka has admired Kai, and she now has feelings for him. Kai has a secret, which no one knows.
映画 賭ケグルイ 絶体絶命ロシアンルーレット
Yuriko Nishinotōin
映画 賭ケグルイ
Yuriko Nishinotōin
女川 いのちの坂道
Airi Yamamoto / Kentaro Yamamoto
犬金組の血気盛んな若いヤクザの山本健太郎、立花リョウ、杉原和彦のテンションの高さは、組の中でも抜きん出ていた。組に恩義を感じる彼らは男らしく極道として生きる気満々だったが、ある事件で不始末をしてしまう。組長は三人をタイで性転換と全身整形させることを思い付き、今後はアイドルとして資金を稼ぐよう言いつける。 『私の人生なのに』などの原桂之介監督がメガホンを取り、ジャスミン・ギュのコミックを実写映画化したコメディー。極道からアイドルに変身した男たちが、本来の自分とアイドルの間で揺れ動く。ドラマ「おわらないものがたり」などの白洲迅、『ゆずりは』などの柾木玲弥、モデルとしても活動している花沢将人らが共演。
Pinkerton ni aini iku ピンカートンに会いにいく
Aoi Nakagawa
Yuko, a former leader of the five-member idol group Pinkerton, with the help of man named Matsumoto, tries to reunite the now-disbanded group.
咲-Saki- 阿知賀編 episode of side-A
Yumi Kajiki
Hazuki and Aoi are classmates but their relationship outside class is fraught, and outside school non-existent. But when both girls are drawn to helping an elderly woman, they're forced to interact, confronting their differences and similarities as well as their deepest secrets.
女流闘牌伝 aki -アキ-
Aki Nikaido
Aki was practically born and raised in a mahjong parlor. At the age of 15, she goes to Tokyo during winter and although she is knocked around by the harshness of the big city, she is determined to survive by the one-and-only weapon she possesses: mahjong. However, standing in Aki's way are unscrupulous adults and the realities of city life.
Yumi Kajiki
21世紀、世界の麻雀競技人口は1億人を超え、日本でも大規模な大会が開催されるようになっていた。清澄高校1年生の宮永咲は、天才的な麻雀を打つ同級生・原村和に感化され、麻雀部に入ることを決意する。麻雀の腕を仲間たちと日々磨き、ついに全国大会予選が始まる。初出場、どこからも注目されていなかった清澄高校であったが驚異的な強さを発揮し全国大会決勝進出を決める。そこには同じくダークホース鶴賀学園、一昨年優勝の強豪風越女子、昨年悪魔的強さで他校を圧倒し優勝した竜門淵高校が待ち受ける! 決勝の卓で果たして勝つのはどの高校なのか?
人狼ゲーム プリズン・ブレイク
Nagisa Kinjo
Akari Inui and other students are kidnapped and imprisoned. They are forced to take part in a game to kill and survive. The last survivor will receive one hundred million yen.
ボクソール★ライドショー 恐怖の廃校脱出!
A group of young women are being trapped inside an empty school while being stalked by a deranged killer.