ADR Supervisor
A lawyer begins a sordid fling with an attractive young woman whom he slowly begins to suspect to be a serial killer of men.
ADR Supervisor
A young lovely moves to Chicago to be with her husband. They are both amazed at the terrific apartment they obtained for very little rent. Unfortunately this apartment comes with an unsavory history. As if that isn't bad enough, there are sounds and noises in the walls!
Dialogue Editor
ADR Editor
ロサンゼルスのオフィスビルにあるエレベーターに爆弾が仕掛けられ、乗客達が閉じ込められる事件が発生。ロサンゼルス市警察SWAT隊員であるジャック・トラヴェンはマクマホン分隊長や同僚のハリー達と共に爆弾を排除、乗客達を救出。さらに身代金を要求してきた犯人のハワード・ペインを追い詰めるがもう一息のところで逃げられる。 ペインは元アトランタ警察爆発物処理班員で、処理中の爆発事故により左手親指を失う障害を負って退職せざるを得なくなったが「命がけで何十年も働いてきたのに、警察当局は退職記念の金時計と障害年金を寄越しただけで、他に何も補償してくれない」と逆恨み、警察に挑戦を始めた。 逃げおおせたペインは路線バスに爆弾を仕掛け、ジャックに対応させるよう仕向ける。信管は速度測定系に連動、バスの速度が一度でも時速50マイル(約80Km)を越えると安全装置が解除され、更に、速度がこれを下回ると爆発する。爆破を阻止するために標的となったバスを止めて飛び乗ったジャックだったが、不法滞在している自分を追ってきたと思い込んだ乗客の一人が誤って発砲し、運転手(サム)が負傷。スピード違反で免停中のためバス通勤していた若い女性、アニーがハンドルを任された。
Dialogue Editor
Zed is an American vault-cracker who travels to Paris to meet up with his old friend Eric. Eric and his gang have planned to raid the only bank in the city which is open on Bastille day. After offering his services, Zed soon finds himself trapped in a situation beyond his control when heroin abuse, poor planning and a call-girl named Zoe all conspire to turn the robbery into a very bloody siege.
Sound Editor
During his 18 years in Folsom Prison, street-gang leader Santana rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana goes back to his old neighborhood, intending to lead a peaceful, crime-free life. But his old gang buddies force him back into his old habits.
Sound Editor
Steve Brooks, a sexist womanizer, is killed by a group of his angry former lovers. In heaven, he makes a bargain with God for redemption and agrees to return to Earth. Once there, he must have a sincere relationship with a female and make her fall in love with him. If not, Steve's soul will become the property of the devil. But the devil hedges his bet, and Steve is reincarnated as a woman named Amanda Brooks.
Sound Editor
A couple works hard to renovate their dream house and become landlords to pay for it. Unfortunately one of their tenants has plans of his own.
Sound Editor
Sound Editor
TVのホラー番組“フライトナイト”に目がない高校生チャーリーは、ある日、隣家に住む男たちの不審な行動を目撃する。なんと、男たちは美女の生血を吸い尽くすヴァンパイアだったのだ。誰からも本気にされず狼狽するチャーリーに、正体を知られた男たちの魔の手が迫る! 恋人エイミー、親友エドに助けを求めたチャーリーは、なぜか“フライトナイト”の役者=ヴァンパイア・キラーのピーターを引き連れ、壮絶な闘いに挑む!