Amaury de Crayencour

Amaury de Crayencour

出生 : 1984-10-12, Versailles, Yvelines, France


Amaury de Crayencour


Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
A lost cat, a giant talkative frog and a tsunami help a bank employee without ambition, his frustrated wife and a schizophrenic accountant to save Tokyo from an earthquake and find a meaning to their lives.
Et toi, c’est pour quand ?
When her mother, her friends and her gynecologist ask her about her desire to have a child, Charlotte prefers to drown the fish. When Emily, a future client, confides in her about her infertility problems, Charlotte claims without thinking that she can't procreate either.
Le souffle du dragon
In Reims, a group of women meet every week aboard a strange boat with a dragon head. Sandrine, Rose-Marie, Poups and Fanny don't know each other, but they all have in common that they have been fighting breast cancer. On the advice of their oncologist, Dr. Cuvelier, they will row to prevent recurrence, to rebuild themselves physically and morally, but also to exorcise the fear that lives inside them.
L'apocalypse n'aura pas lieu
The Braves
Best friends Alma and Margot are inseparable, whether it’s terrorizing cheating lovers or crashing wedding parties. The two women also share the same dream of a successful career on the stage. They get one step closer when they are cast as lead and understudy in a high-profile play in Paris. Alma is keeping a secret that puts her role in jeopardy, but with the unwavering support of Margot, they will try their best to ensure that the show goes on.
Je joue Rodrigue
At the Festival d'Avignon, all kinds of theatre coexist without ever really mingling. Stéphane acts in a popular comedy while Fanny plays in a classical piece by Victor Hugo. In order to seduce her, Stéphane makes her believe he is playing the role of Rodrigue in Corneille's renowned masterpiece: Le Cid.
ラブ・セカンド・サイト はじまりは初恋のおわりから
Marc Deschanel
A man tries to make his wife fall in love with him again, after waking up in an alternate reality where she never knew him.
In Safe Hands
Actor of the play
Théo is given up for adoption by his biological mother on the very day he is born. After this anonymous birth, the mother has two months to change her mind… Or not. The child welfare services and adoption service spring into action… The former have to take care of the baby and support it during this limbo-like time, this period of uncertainty, while the latter must find a woman to become his adoptive mother. She is called Alice, and she has spent the last ten years fighting to have a child.
Love in Bora Bora
Valentine is convinced she’s in love with Jérôme, her best friend and work partner. She decides to share her feelings with him while they’re away in Bora Bora on a business trip. But there’s a bad surprise in store: Jérôme’s new girlfriend, Céleste, has decided to tag along. Valentine will have to put up a real fight to win over the love of her life, under the amused gaze of Marc, their guide in the “lovers’ paradise.” But as the days roll by, Valentine realizes she was wrong about Jérôme, and discovers true love elsewhere…
Just a Fling
Paul and Vanessa have just had sex. It's unlikely they'll meet again. She's funny, pretty and witty. He's still just a boy at heart. Intrigued by this young mischievous and mysterious woman, he does his best to hold onto her. But who is manipulating who? Will he succeed in satisfying his need for love and overcoming his fear, awkwardness and conventions?
The Exes
If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!
Dumped over a video he made to amuse his ailing dad, a heartsick Jérémy hatches an elaborate scheme to win back his superhero-loving girlfriend, Lola.
Ponson du Terrail / Rocambole
Edith & Lucile