W.A. Tremayne


A Madcap Adventure
Scenario Writer
Willfull, headstrong and inclined to be sporty, but withal, a very lovable girl, Thomasin Webb (called Tommy for short) keeps her Aunt Sarah, with whom she lives, on the jump. Guy Dunbar becomes deeply interested in Tommy, first from a psychological point of view, then fascinated by her personality. George Hilton, a society rounder, is after Tommy's money
Too Much Burglar
An exceptionally capable girl, Trixie Joyce, proves a great help, to her mother, a widow with a large family of girls. They receive a proposition from Henrietta Joyce, Mrs. Joyce's wealthy sister-in-law, to take Trixie as a companion, feed and clothe her and in place of wages, send her mother an allowance sufficient to support the rest of the family. Both realize it is the solution of a hard problem, and Trixie accepts the offer. Henrietta is close-fisted and selfish in money matters, but she also has a strain of morbidly-romantic sentiment in her nature, so the largest part of Trixie's work is reading aloud to her mistress quantities of swashbuckling, mid-Victorian novels.
The Peacemaker
The Soul of Luigi
Scenario Writer
In the poor Italian quarter of New York lives Luigi, an Italian peasant and inventor, who is so absorbed in his work that he greatly neglects his wife, Nedda. She is younger than he and fond of pleasure. Not understanding his neglect, she strongly resents it.
Etta of the Footlights
Etta Lang, a chorus girl, is the principal support of an invalid mother and her sister and brother, not only working at the theater, but looking after their small boarding house. Among their lodgers is Brutus Bellamy, an old actor. He becomes interested in the girl, and offers to teach her acting. She learns rapidly. She arrives at the theater late and is abused by the stage manager, Joseph Burton. Cecil Wentworth, one of the backers of the theater, takes her part and becomes interested in her.
Dorothy Danesbridge, Militant
Dorothy Danesbridge is spoiled by her father and aunt, and through the influence of Phyllis, an old school friend and an ardent suffragette, becomes interested in Women's Suffrage.
Iron and Steel
Herr Ludwig Kronitz is a king in his own works and rules with a controlling hand. He is known as the "Man of Iron." He has made a fortune out of the manufacture of guns, and is hard and unscrupulous.
The Lonely Princess
A young American millionaire in Venice falls in love with the beautiful princess Ione.
An Old Man's Love Story
Ethel, whose financially distressed parents depend on her marrying into wealth, may be forced to abandon the man she loves for her father's rich friend.
The Sale of a Heart
To avoid ruin, an impoverished count arranges a marriage between his daughter and a wealthy man she does not love. After an accident, she is taken in by a gifted artist who saves her from an unseemly fate.
Mrs Lirriper’s Lodgers
Scenario Writer
A glimpse of the life of a few lodgers in a boarding house, focusing on the young couple Mr and Mrs Edison.
The Bond of Music
Scenario Writer
Short anti-war film in which a French musician turns out to be a German spy.
The Light of St. Bernard
Scenario Writer
Marie, a self-dependent girl, compromises herself by associating with Petro Maquin. She asks him to keep his promise to marry her. He ignores her and leaves the village to join a band of wreckers. The gossips circulate scandal about her, bringing reproach upon her name.
Wanted, a Sister
Scenario Writer
In the college play, Tom and his room-mate, "Bunch," take prominent and successful parts, Tom as the hero and "Bunch" as the heroine, in which he is an excellent female impersonator. The day after the performance, "Bunch" makes an engagement to take a real chorus girl to dinner. Unexpectedly his mother comes to college to visit him and he makes Tom take the girl.
Captain Jenks' Diplomacy
Scenario Writer
Sir Brian, an irascible old gentleman, who suffers from gout, receives a note saying his son Gerald is very ill at college, and asking him to come to Dublin. He is too ill to go so he gets his friend, Captain Jenks, to go instead of him. Jenks finds Gerald being nursed by a pretty girl and soon discovers that Gerald is in love with her.
Captain Jenks' Dilemma
Mrs. Brown, who is a widow, finds it a rather difficult matter to clothe and feed her large family of children, so when she becomes acquainted on the beach with Captain Jenks she is not slow in inviting him to her house. That evening the Captain calls with an engagement ring. He asks the widow to become his wife, but just as he is accepted Mrs. Brown's numerous offspring come running into the room. Upon being told that they are her children the Captain nearly faints and does not know how to break the engagement.
The Geranium
Scenario Writer
One glance at the poor and disordered home of the Tunisons shows us there is something still lacking. Mrs. Tunison is obliged to provide for her crippled daughter Ethel, her son, who does what he can to help her and her older daughter, who aids in every way possible. Daniel Briton, a young peddler, notices Ethel as he passes by, and gives her one of his wares, a geranium, for which she is very thankful. On successive days as the young peddler passes she waves her hand to him. One day he brings with him a doctor, who takes her to the hospital where she will get good care and attention. After a few weeks, Ethel is carried home in the arms of her generous friend, entirely restored to health. Everybody is made happy, and more so with Daniel, who marries one of Ethel's sisters.
Two Stepchildren
Scenario Writer
Born with an artistic temperament, Joe Leigh feels keenly the bitterness and drudgery of life on a small farm and longs to get away from it. Jabez, his uncle, who owns the farm, is a hard, matter-of-fact man, utterly out of sympathy with his nephew's ambitions.
Tricks of the Trade
Jack Breen and his wife, Lizzie, are professional crooks, who live in a fine house and set themselves up as belonging to the best. Breen gets his living by various means, including begging. He dresses in ragged clothes and picks up crusts in the street, which he pretends to eat, thereby exciting the sympathy of passers-by.