Norikatsu Hanamura


Seventh in the nine-film series, "The Wandering Guitarist".
銀座旋風児 嵐が俺を呼んでいる
Mega star Akira Kobayashi stars as Jiro in the rambunctious tale of a chef who opens a restaurant in the busy Ginza district. His culinary skills and dashing good looks bring in the women as well as unwanted trouble, while an explosive political scandal builds around his girlfriend’s business...
銀座旋風児 目撃者は彼奴だ
Takuya witnesses the homicide of the detective leading an investigation into the murder of the chairman of the People’s Economic Association, and he disguises himself.
Koreyoshi Kurahara’s ingeniously plotted, pocket-size noir concerns the intertwined fates of a desperate bank manager, blackmailed for book-cooking, and his resentful but timid underling, passed over for a promotion. The marvelously moody Intimidation (Aru kyouhaku) is an elegantly stripped-down and carefully paced crime drama.
13号待避線より その護送車を狙え
A sharpshooter kills two prisoners in a police van at night. The guard on the van is suspended for six months; he's Tamon, an upright, modest man. He begins his own investigation into the murders. Who were the victims, who are their relatives and girlfriends, who else was on the van that night? As he doggedly investigates, others die, coincidences occur, and several leads take him to the Hamaju Agency, which may be supplying call girls. Its owner is in jail, his daughter, the enigmatic Yuko, keeps turning up where Tamon goes. Tamon believes he can awaken good in people, but has he met his match? Will he solve the murders or be the next victim? And who is Akiba?
TV announcer
After witnessing a murder, a married woman and a student agree not to meet and see each other out of fear of exposing their affair.
山間の小駅。この駅の灯だけが、真暗闇に侘しく光っていた。ホームには、水害で不通になった列車が立往生。午前二時を指す時計の掛かった駅の待合室には、傲慢そうな重役夫妻、セールスマン、男女学生、オンリーさんの夏子、老夫婦、小粋な三十女と愛人、家出した田舎娘など足止めをくった乗客でごった返していた。この騒ぎから取り残されたように静かに佇む乳呑み児を抱いた時枝の側には、一本の手錠でつながれた刑事と殺人犯・森が立っていた。一同はバスで次の駅まで出ることになったが、いよいよ出発という時「銀行を襲撃して現金二千万円を奪った二人組のギャングが、この方面に立ち廻った形跡がある」という悪い知らせが入った。 動揺した乗客は次々とバスを降り、十四名を乗せたボロボロのバスが暗夜の中を出発した。ギャングと山崩れの恐怖に怯える夜が明けると、一同には明るさが戻ったが、時技と森だけは暗い表情を崩さなかった。行く手には、とうてい渡れそうもない朽ち果てた橋。しかしバリバリと音をたてながら、バスは危うくも橋を渡りきった。さらにバスが進むと、前方に青年が飛び出してきた。バスに乗り込んで来た二人連は、大きなボストンバックを提げていたー。
A narrative depicting the appearance of soldiers scattered in Rabaul during the Pacific War. The original work of Yoshinori Matsuura was dramatized by Toyama Tetsu of “Smuggling of the Body”, also directed by Yutaka Abe, and Shigeyoshi Mine of “Densuke's Propaganda” was in charge of the shooting. The main performers are Michitaro Mizushima of “Smuggling of the Body”, Ryoji Hayama of “The Sorrowful Garden”, Shoji Yasui of “The People of Okino”, Shiro Osaka of “Lonely Man”, “Tetsuji Kawakami Story 16” In addition to Hiroshi Nihonyanagi, Shinsuke Maki, Isamu Kosugi of the "Hunger Soul", Ko Mishima, Satoshi Nishimura, Saburo Hiromatsu, Hiroshi Kondo and others.
あくま の まち
A yakuza boss and his right-hand, Hawasaki, escape from prison. the film concentrates on their relationship, emphasizing loyalty and thier eventual betrayal, enroute they get involved in money trafficking, a cop killing and horse racing scams before the inevitable tragic ending. A patch-work production.