Tetsuya Chiba

出生 : 1963-10-27, Kanagawa, Japan


Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle
Old Kozuka
Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.
Shuzo Yamamoto
20XX年、12月23日未明。未曾有の事態が日本を襲う。沖ノ鳥島の西方450キロ、波留間群島初島に国籍不明の武装集団が上陸、わが国の領土が占領されたのだ。海上自衛隊は直ちに小笠原諸島沖で訓練航海中の第5護衛隊群に出動を命じた。その旗艦こそ、自衛隊初の航空機搭載型護衛艦《いぶき》だった。計画段階から「専守防衛」論議の的となり国論を二分してきた《いぶき》。艦長は、航空自衛隊出身の秋津竜太一佐。そしてそれを補佐するのは海上自衛隊生え抜きの副長・新波歳也二佐。現場海域へと向かう彼らを待ち受けていたのは、敵潜水艦からの突然のミサイル攻撃だった。さらに針路上には敵の空母艦隊までもが姿を現す。想定を越えた戦闘状態に突入していく第5護衛隊群。政府はついに「防衛出動」を発令する。迫り来る敵戦闘機に向け、ついに迎撃ミサイルは放たれた……。<かわぐちかいじ(『沈黙の艦隊』『ジパング』)原作による漫画『空母いぶき』を実写映画化! 西島秀俊、佐々木蔵之介はじめ日本映画界を代表する俳優陣が集結して贈る、超ど級のエンタテインメント大作ここに誕生!>
予兆 散歩する侵略者 劇場版
Tamotsu Asakawa
Onodera Yuriko sets off for Sweden where her husband, Major General Onodera Makoto, is stationed as a military attache in Stockholm during World War II. Called the "god of intelligence", Makoto is an intelligence officer of the Russian service of the Japanese Army General Staff. Fluent in Russian and German and trusted by the spies of many countries because of his integrity, his office would eventually become the most important Japanese intelligence post in Europe. From the day of her arrival in Stockholm, Yuriko helps her husband's intelligence activities. She encrypts the highly classified information obtained by Makoto and sends it in coded telegrams to the General Staff Headquarters in Japan every day. Husband and wife have jointly undertaken this intelligence work for confidentiality.
Rengo's Manager
A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?
Tales of Terror from Tokyo and All Over Japan: Volume 3, Part 2
A new season of the acclaimed series finishes with these twenty sensational shorts capturing the essence of psychological terror with chilling visuals.
A man on his way home from a wedding. When he wakes up drunk, he finds himself in a park in the early morning. As he wanders the city in the early morning, he meets a girl on a mountain bike and is suddenly chased by the police instead of the girl. The camera, which had been following the lazy, fresh morning air, turns around and starts running away with the man. The police chase him relentlessly. As he struggles to outrun his pursuers, he finds himself becoming increasingly elated. As he runs, he finds himself becoming more and more elated, as if it is the start of a journey away from the boredom of everyday life. The camera work is superb, eloquently capturing the man running with all his might.