Hideo Takayama


FMW: Ring of Torture
Pain, blood, & agony are just the beginning! Call the paramedics because there's gonna be a blood bath! No rules to abide by, no conscience to listen to, just match after match of some of the most brutal wrestling ever to hit the ring. Do you have what it takes to endure some of FMW's most barbaric matches? No mercy will be given when Getkou takes on Gosaku. No love is lost when Megumi Kudo battles her old partner Combat "Mother in Law" Toyoda. No rules apply in the "3 on 3 Death Match" pitting Super Leather, Hido, & Kanemura against Matsunaga, Jason, & Hosaka. And if it's death matches your after, get set for an extreme match featuring superstar Matsunaga taking on the devil's own Mr. Pogo! Oh, the brutality!
The Sengoku Era was coming to an end. The monopoly of the ever powerful shogun, Ieyasu Tokugawa, was at a near. Only one man was brave enough to stand in Ieyasu's way - A lone wolf samurai by the name of Kagekatsu Uesugi. Inspired by Uesugi's courage to revolt, a young samurai warrior, Touzou Kuruma decides to join the fight. Their target: the Tamonyama Castle.
中学3年の石黒ジュン(吉永小百合)は、鋳物工場の直立炉(キューポラ)が立ち並ぶ埼玉県川口市の鋳物職人の長女である。何事にも前向きで、高校進学を目指すジュンだが、父・辰五郎(東野英治郎)が工場を解雇されたため、家計は火の車で、修学旅行に行くことも諦めていた。 自力で高校の入学費用を貯めようと、パチンコ屋でアルバイトを始めるジュン。担任教師の助力で修学旅行にも行けることになった。しかし、ようやく再就職した父親は、待遇が不満で仕事をやめてしまった。絶望したジュンは女友達と遊び歩き、危うく不良少年たちに乱暴されかけた。 全日制の高校進学を取りやめて、就職を決断するジュン。北朝鮮への帰還問題で苦悩する朝鮮人の一家や、貧しくとも力強く生きる人々との交流を通じて、ジュンは、自立して働きながら定時制で学び続けることに意義を見出したのだった。
1962 Japanese movie
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
One of Sayuri Yoshinaga's first leading roles.
A unique action film about a battle between two students and a yakuza over the eviction fee for a family that abandoned their home at the bottom of an artificial lake.