R. David Burns


Johnny Lincoln Clem was a small boy from Newark, Ohio living during a troubled time in the American Civil War. Shortly after his mother was killed while crossing a railroad track, Johnny ran away from home to join the 22nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Initially turned away by the officers, the boy followed the regiment into Kentucky and down south, and was looked after by the men. Finally accepted into their ranks, he fought with them at the battle of Chickamauga, where to save his life he was forced to shoot down a charging Confederate Colonel who had him in his sights.
Johnny Lincoln Clem was a small boy from Newark, Ohio living during a troubled time in the American Civil War. Shortly after his mother was killed while crossing a railroad track, Johnny ran away from home to join the 22nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Initially turned away by the officers, the boy followed the regiment into Kentucky and down south, and was looked after by the men. Finally accepted into their ranks, he fought with them at the battle of Chickamauga, where to save his life he was forced to shoot down a charging Confederate Colonel who had him in his sights.
Captain John Atkinson
Johnny Lincoln Clem was a small boy from Newark, Ohio living during a troubled time in the American Civil War. Shortly after his mother was killed while crossing a railroad track, Johnny ran away from home to join the 22nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry. Initially turned away by the officers, the boy followed the regiment into Kentucky and down south, and was looked after by the men. Finally accepted into their ranks, he fought with them at the battle of Chickamauga, where to save his life he was forced to shoot down a charging Confederate Colonel who had him in his sights.
Production Coordinator
1776年、ニューイングランドの入植者とジョージ3世(1760-1820年)の軍隊との間の独立戦争。 サウスカロライナ州では、フランスとインドの英雄的な兵士である未亡人ベンジャミン・マーティン(メル・ギブソン)が、7人の子供の世話をするために戦いを断念します。 しかし、長男のガブリエル(ヒース・レジャー)が軍隊に加わると、マーティン家の平和な生活は中断されます。 その間、父親は子供を育てるのに苦労しています。 しかし、イギリス人は、残酷なタビントン大佐(ジェイソン・アイザックス)の指揮下で、彼らの家の門に到達し、家族全員を危険にさらします...