Alexandru Virgil Platon

Alexandru Virgil Platon

出生 : 1933-04-27, Bacau, Romania

死亡 : 2020-01-26


Alexandru Virgil Platon


The Blind Squad
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.
The Prophecy: Uprising
Florin (as Virgil Platon)
There exists an ancient manuscript still writing itself called the Lexicon. It supposedly tells of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and happens to fall into the hands of an unsuspecting woman. Now, she is being pursued by angels intent on obtaining the information from the book.
A local Romanian chieftain in 16th century Transylvania discovers a great treasure of Decebalus. He decides to send it for safekeeping in Moldavia, but he has to evade the Transylvanian prince and the king of Hungary, who get wind of it and want it for themselves.
Personal Issues
Communist activists have to let out steam due to increased pressure in their professional life.
Special Edition
A journalist in a Bucharest publication, is the accidental witness of the street arrest of a communist. It intervenes in the defense of the young man, who manages to escape, and is arrested. He is obliged to look for the missing woman.
Blue Bird
In the middle of the 18th Century, the Ruster family immigrates to America. The father, a former farm laborer, leads a hard life as a settler along with his family. One day the nine year-old George, his second-youngest son, is kidnapped by Iroquois. He is taken in by an Indian family in the place of a deceased son and receives the name "Blue Bird." The boy has homesickness and difficulties accustoming to the customs of the Indians.
Ora zero
In New Year's Eve night, an emergency team is called to fix a tram power line. One member is missing though, he is involved in a DUI.
The Moment
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
Three Secret Letters
A director of a shipyard abusively fires a foreman who has opposing ideas.
The Dacians
The great King of Dacia, Decebal (Decebalus), is disposed to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep the integrity of his people. His own son, Cotyso, is given to the god Zamolxis to the dismay of the King and his daughter Meda. Septimius Severus a young roman devoted to his adopted country, must make the choose between his blood origins and the culture he was raised to
Six widows demand compensation for the death of their husbands, who were killed during a worker's strike. The women are arrested and taken to the police quarters, where the authorities try to make them retract their statements, but it turns out they're not so easily intimidated.
The Soimaresti Clan
Vying for Principality of Moldavia's throne the descendants of Prince Stephen the Great start a bloody civil war in 1612.
An ex-convict struggles to survive by brute force alone in a turn-of-the-century slum in Bucharest. Codine is the thug who served 10 years for murdering a friend. He returns home to his miserly mother, whose penny-pinching ways infuriate her son. A young boy looks up to Codine, and through the man's eyes he sees the economic and social injustices from an adult perspective. When Codine kills another man who violated his trust, his mother becomes more unhinged and paranoid. Thinking her son will steal her hoarded money, she plots to kill her only son. The impressionable child watches in horror and amazement at the cruel machinations of the adult work that surrounds him.
A World Wihout Sky
A movie about miner strikes in 1292 Jiu Valley. It is made from re-cutting and combining two previous movies, "Lupeni '29" and "Golgota", that were shot much earlier.
The Thirst
The communists are taking over the boyar land and do the agrarian reform.