Alan Hulse


Bob's Weekend
Robert Askew goes to Blackpool to prepare an extraordinary end to his extra ordinary life. But this is no ordinary weekend and a succession of magical events conspire to turn a journey of despair into a voyage of discovery.
Drama based on events during the 1984/85 miners strike. One of the first dramatised accounts, it was written by Geoffrey Case and directed by Gordon Flemyng for Yorkshire Television and won the Rai award at the Prix Italia and the Prix Futura at the Berlin Film Festival in 1987.
Blood Red Roses
Picket Driver
A woman looks back on her life as a political activist in Scotland from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Intensive Care
Young Man on Telephone
When Denis Midgley's father is rushed to hospital, Midgley drops everything to be by his side. They've never really got on, so Midgley wants to be sure he's there if his father ever regains consciousness. As he hates his job as a schoolteacher, and his home-life with his wife, her senile mother and their insolent teenage son, he has no qualms about lingering around the hospital. But as days turn into weeks, his father obstinately refuses to 'slip away', and Denis' motivation for staying by his father's bedside has more and more to do with Valery, a young nurse.