Marc Field


TWA Gate Attendant
子供の頃の占いで“運命の人”の存在を告げられ、今でも密かに信じているロマンチストなフェイス。婚約者にかかってきた電話を偶然取ってビックリ!その男性はなんと運命の人と同じ名前だった。フェイスは彼の後を追ってイタリアへ飛ぶが…。 運命の愛を信じる全ての人に捧げるファンタスティック・ラブ・ストーリー。
The Bride in Black
A Brooklyn widow (Susan Lucci) traces the past of her boxer/sculptor husband (David Soul), gunned down on their wedding day.
Criminal Justice
Ratner's Law Secretary
A knife-scarred victim must identify her assailant beyond a reasonable doubt. Meanwhile the accused is offered a deal if he pleads guilty. Is he as innocent as the victim? Is the justice system guiltier than both?