Tyson Wagner

出生 : , Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Washed Away
Mall patron
After the death of her husband, a woman tries to get on with her life, but during a business trip she spots him alive and comes to realize that he faked his death.
Boyfriend in Park
ゴールデン・レトリバーの子犬ベイリーの“最愛の人”は、自分の命を救ってくれた少年イーサ ン。それ以来、1 匹と 1 人は固い絆で結ばれていく。しかし、犬の寿命は人間よりうんと短い。 ついに、ベイリーが旅立つ日がきてしまう―はずが、彼の愛は不死身だった!ベイリーはイー サンに会いたい一心で生まれ変わりを繰り返すが、そう簡単にはイーサンと遭遇できない。よう やく 3 度目で再会を果たしたベイリーは、自ら与えられた“重要な使命”に気付く。
Of Myth & Legend
Henry McCarty
A young American outlaw, famous in the east for his exploits, must return to his hometown to find stolen loot. But when his shame catches up with him, he realizes too late that he cannot come home.