Gabriela Bacher


When madly in love high school graduates Riley and Chris are separated by a tragic car accident, Riley blames herself for her boyfriend's death while Chris is stranded in limbo. Miraculously, the two find a way to connect. In a love story that transcends life and death, both Riley and Chris are forced to learn the hardest lesson of all: letting go.
The Aspern Papers
A young writer tries to obtain romance letters a poet sent to his mistress.
希少な最高純度のブルーダイヤモンドの取引のためにロシア・サンクトペテルブルクを訪れた、宝石商のルーカス・ヒル(キアヌ・リーヴス)。ところが、ダイヤを所持していたビジネスパートナーのピョートルとの連絡が途絶え、ルーカスは伝言を便りに彼を追ってシベリアへと飛ぶ。親密になった現地のカフェの女主人カティアを巻き込み、苦労の末にダイヤを見つけ出すが、それは巧妙に作られた偽物だった。期日が近づき、取引相手のロシアンマフィアの手が迫るなか、果たしてルーカスは一世一代の取引を成功させることはできるのか…!?©2018 MARS TOWN FILM LIMITED
フランケンシュタイン アダム・ザ・モンスター
After he is artificially created, then left for dead by a husband-and-wife team of eccentric scientists, Adam is confronted with nothing but aggression and violence from the world around him. This perfect creation-turned disfigured monster must come to grips with the horrific nature of humanity.
My Kingdom
A powerful dynasty, headed by a charismatic, manipulative father, falls when he decides to hand over his criminal empire to his three corrupt and power-hungry daughters. Kath runs a brothel down by the docks, Tracy owns a soccer team and Jo, a former junkie -- and prostitute -- rejects her inheritance, pitting sisters Kath and Tracy against each other.