Ma Yingli


Saturday Fiction
An actress working undercover for the Allies in 1941 Shanghai discovers the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor.
Saturday Fiction
An actress working undercover for the Allies in 1941 Shanghai discovers the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor.
Behind the Dream: A Documentary on The Shadow Play
The Shadow Play
Tang Yijie, the Construction Committee Director, falls off from rooftop and dies in a demolition riot. Yang Jiadong, a young police officer starts his investigation and finds that Tang's death is tied up with another case several years ago. Soon he is framed and suspended from duty, but he never gives up. The film unfolds how individuals and family make fortune in the past 30 years since the reform in China began.
Blind Massage
A drama centered on the employees of a Nanjing massage parlor who share a common trait: they are all blind.
1987年の中国、東北部に住む少女、余紅(ユー・ホン)のもとに北京の「北清大学」から合格通知が届いた。余紅は故郷の恋人暁軍(シャオ・ジュン)と離れ離れになり、1人での大学生活を始める。自分のやり方を貫き、束縛を受けることを好まない性格から、いつしか学生たちの間でも注目される存在になっていた。 そんな中、余紅は友人の李緹(リー・ティ)たちを通じて周偉(チョウ・ウェイ)と出会った。2人はすぐに強烈な恋に落ちるが、強く結びつけば結びつくほど気持ちが近づいたり離れたりを繰り返してしまい、ついには李緹もこの複雑な関係に巻き込まれてしまうことに。 1989年夏、北京の大学生たちが参加していたデモを軍が鎮圧した。世に言う天安門事件であった。事件後、余紅は大学を中退して故郷に戻り、周偉は李緹と若古(ロー・グー)の助けを借りてベルリンに移った。2人はそれぞれ新しい生活を始め、長らく連絡を取ることはなかった。 数年後、周偉は中国に戻り、既に結婚していた余紅を見つけ出し、再会を果たす。離れ離れになってから片時も相手のことを忘れなかった2人だったが…。
Ma Yingli's documentary, produced as part of Kroma Films' "Girls Around the World" series, presents the poignant story of Han Lin, a 17-year old girl prematurely made to enter into the workforce as a Go-Go dancer in order to help her family eke out a living in modern-day Beijing. Born at the center of the metropolis, on the surface Lin is an ordinary girl from a traditional Chinese family; upon closer inspection, though, she is mature beyond her years and faces an enormous burden of responsibility unfamiliar to most young women in the West.
Days of Miandi
Berlin Film School graduation feature by mainland-born Ma Yingli. Two very different young women attempt to cope with the cultural changes sweeping their hometown of Beijing, China in the late 1990s. Xiaoxia has just returned from prolonged study overseas. She is a musician, and is shocked to see how money-hungry everyone now seems to be. When she begins running her brother's nightclub, she almost starts having a good (and successful) time, until the still-puritanical authorities close it down after she permits an avant-garde group to give a nude performance. Linlin never left town, but her studies at art school were cut short by official disapproval of her affair with a non-Chinese foreigner. A rich German arranges for her photography to be exhibited in Munich, and she is eager to leave the country to see the show. The two women's lives briefly connect at the nightclub, but are otherwise separate.