Yasuhiko Imai


The series follows Kazuma Kujo, who recently joined an entertainment company as a manager at the age of 50. He was assigned to idol Reimi Watanabe (played by Hinatazaka46's Miho Watanabe), who one day decided to fulfill her dream to become an actress by auditioning to a popular drama. But there are some issues as a mysterious group known as Grim Reapers are after Reimi's life. Can this middle-aged manager with a declining stamina protect his talent from those harming her? Can Reimi pass her auditions? Also, what is Kujo's true identity and why he chose this job?
宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャー THE MOVIE ゲース・インダベーの逆襲
ジャークマターの脅威から宇宙を解放するために戦い続ける宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャーの前にジャークマター独立部隊であるゲース・インダベーとその部下が襲いかかってきた。ゲース・インダベーは、ショウ・ロンポー / リュウコマンダーへの復讐と『冥王ハデスの番犬』『宇宙の破壊神』と呼ばれたキュウボイジャー『ケルベロス』を手に入れること、更には彗星兵器『ゲース・スター』を使って地球を滅ぼそうとしていた。 キュウレンジャーは地球存亡を賭けて、ケルベロスの争奪戦に挑む。
When a four-man terrorist group known as Team Phantom begins raising havoc in downtown Tokyo, the city is in desperate need of a hero. An unexpected champion appears in the form of Lady Battle Cop, a former female tennis champion who has been transformed into a seemingly unstoppable cyborg.