Enzo Nigro


The Comics 2
Production Manager
A poster worker must remove the poster of the original movie, when the figures of Renato and Paolo suddenly moves and leaves the poster driving an ambulance dressed as nurses.
Production Manager
Fontamara is a village in the Marsica, forgotten by all but God and its inhabitants are called 'cafoni' (boors). Berardo Viola wants to marry Elvira but only after gaining enough money to buy some land and in order to reach his aim he has the idea of going to a great city. When Maria Grazia is raped by the fascists, Berardo and Antonio decide to leave Fontamara and go to Rome. Here they are swindled by a lawyer and afterwards they are invited by an antifascist to a restaurant where they are arrested by the police because of some subversive papers they had.
Blood Feud
Unit Manager
In pre-World War II Sicily, just as the fascists come to power, two men fall in love with the same woman. The changes in their country's politics ultimately take all three on a journey across the ocean to New York City.
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Unit Manager
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
Dear Michele
Production Supervisor
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause.
Blood Brothers
Unit Manager
In this period piece set in Italy, Nicola Bellizzi dreams of becoming a lawyer. However, when he seeks the reason that people are reluctant to help him in his goals, he discovers that some of his blood relations are high-ranking members of the Mafia. He tries to break away from his family obligations, but falls into a life of crime and violence.
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
Unit Manager
In late 1930s Ferrara, Italy, the Finzi-Continis are a leading family: wealthy, aristocratic, and urbane; they are also Jewish. Their adult children, Micol and Alberto, gather a diverse circle of friends for tennis and parties at their villa with its lovely grounds, and try to keep the rest of the world at bay. But tensions between them all grow as anti-Semitism rises in Fascist Italy, and even the Finzi-Continis will have to confront the Holocaust.
第二次世界大戦終結後のイタリア。出征したきり行方不明の夫の消息を求め、関係省庁へ日参する女性の姿があった。 戦時中、洋裁で生計を立てる陽気なナポリ娘ジョバンナとアフリカ戦線行きを控えた兵士・アントニオは海岸で出会い、すぐに恋に落ちた。12日間の結婚休暇を目当てに結婚式を挙げたふたりは幸せな新婚の日々を過ごす[2]が、休暇の12日間は瞬く間に過ぎてしまう。精神疾患による除隊を目論んだアントニオは首尾よく精神病院に入院するが、あえなく詐病が露見。懲罰の為、ソ連戦線へと送られてしまう。
Coup D'Etat
Italy, 1972. Political elections are taking place and Christian Democrat victory is expected; but the electronic computer of the Ministry of the Interior reveals that the party with the highest number is the Italian Communist Party.
I'm Not Worthy of You
In the sequel of "In ginocchio da te", the engagement of Gianni and Carla is threatened by Giorgio.
So In Love
During his military service, the young singer Gianni Traimonti falls in love with Carla, the marshal's daughter.
Who Works Is Lost
Bonifacio is 27 years old and he is roaming about Venice. He is trying to decide whether to accept a job or not. In so doing, he recalls all his past life: his love story with Gabriella, his old friend Claudio, who had always regarded working as a worthwhile thing, the war, the partisans.