Hair Designer
Events in India's history — from the Emergency and the famous Cricket World Cup win to the Punjab riots — unfold from the perspective of an innocent Sikh man Laal Singh Chaddha, a person with a low IQ but high optimism. Laal is able to achieve everything under the sun but his childhood love continues to elude him.
Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilisation and wait for their upcoming babies. Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other.
Makeup Artist
Gopal and his best friends are back again, and this time they move back to their old neighborhood in a new palatial house where they learn that it is being haunted by a ghost.
Makeup Artist
An emotional drama that explores the marital crisis of a couple through turbulent times.
パキスタンの小さな村に住む女の子シャヒーダー。幼い頃から声が出せない障害を持った彼女を心配したお母さんと一緒に、インドのイスラム寺院に願掛けに行くが、帰り道で一人インドに取り残されてしまう。そんなシャヒーダーが出会ったのは、ヒンドゥー教のハヌマーン神の熱烈な信者のパワンだった。バカがつくぐらいの正直者で、お人好しなパワンは、これも、ハヌマーンの思し召しと、母親とはぐれたシャヒーダーを預かることにしたが、ある日、彼女がパキスタンのイスラム教徒と分かって驚愕する。歴史、宗教、経済など様々な部分で激しく対立するインドとパキスタン。 それでもパスポートもビザもなしに、国境を越えてシャヒーダーを家に送り届けることを決意したパワンの旅が始まった。果たしてパワンは無事にシャヒーダーを母親の元へ送り届けることができるのか!?
Sriram Venkat is the most shallow guy on earth who doesn't value relationships, family, friends, life or the country. Not necessarily in that order. Because he couldn't care less about the order. This makes him the clear 'black' sheep of the family.
Makeup Artist
A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.
Makeup Artist
When the titular antagonist of an action game takes on physical form, it's only the game's less powerful protagonist who can save his creator's family.
Makeup Artist
Lovely Singh is extremely respectful of Mr Rana and his daughter Divya. While appointed as Divya's bodyguard, he falls in love with a girl he has never met, unaware that she is none other than Divya.
Makeup Artist
When a handsome young Indian couple (Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor) moves into the suburbs to claim their stake in the American dream, they are shocked to discover that they've become enmeshed in a secretive terrorist plot. But as tensions escalate, the bride begins to wonder if her husband has told her everything he knows.
Makeup Artist
Dr Shivani Dutt living and working in a hospital in London, notices some of her colleagues delving in organ trafficking. Before she can expose them she is involved in an accident, leaving her on a life support machine.