Kirk Baily

Kirk Baily

出生 : 1963-02-02, New York City, New York, USA

死亡 : 2022-02-28


Kirk Baily (born February 2, 1963 in New York City, New York) is an American actor and voice actor. He is best known for his role as Kevin "Ug" Lee in the Nickelodeon sitcom, Salute Your Shorts. He is also an accomplished voice actor who has appeared in anime and video games. He also does ADR looping for film and television. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Kirk Baily


Additional Voices (voice)
楽しさ満載のファミリー・アドベンチャー! ツキに見放された猟犬のハンクは、冷酷な悪党の陰謀から守るためにヒーローを必要としている猫たちの町にやってくる。渋々引き受けた師匠に鍛えられハンクはサムライとなって猫たちと力を合わせ、この危機を乗り越えようと奮闘する。唯一の問題は... 猫は犬が嫌いなこと!?
ミッシング・リンク 英国紳士と秘密の相棒
New Worlder (voice)
Brawn / Seekers (voice)
ザ・スター はじめてのクリスマス
Additional Voices (voice)
A small but brave donkey and his animal friends become the unsung heroes of the greatest story ever told, the first Christmas.
Additional Characters (voice)
This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the story of one man's love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share.
Additional Voice (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
ザ・コール 緊急通報指令室
Additional Voices (voice)
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
Additional Voices (voice)
An anthology of five short films exploring the impact of breast cancer on people's lives.
411 Male Operator (voice)
Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
Dead Space: Downfall
Walla (voice)
On a deep space mining mission to a remote planet, an ancient religious relic - thought to be proof of the existence of God - is unearthed and brought aboard. When the unholy artifact unleashes a long-dormant alien race, its glimpse of Heaven transforms the ship into a living Hell. A prequel to the events of the 2008 video game Dead Space.
Bottle Shock
Loan Officer
Paris-based wine expert Steven Spurrier heads to California in search of cheap wine that he can use for a blind taste test in the French capital. Stumbling upon the Napa Valley, the stuck-up Englishman is shocked to discover a winery turning out top-notch chardonnay. Determined to make a name for himself, he sets about getting the booze back to Paris.
Nobel Son
Wil Cavalere
Soon after his insufferably arrogant father wins the Nobel Prize for chemistry, Barkley Michaelson is kidnapped by Thaddeus James, a young genius who claims to be Barkley's illegitimate half-brother. Motivated not so much by money as revenge, Thaddeus tries to convince Barkley to help him carry out a multimillion-dollar extortion plot against their patriarch.
Life on Liberty Street
ER Intern
A nurse, trying to salvage her life after her husband and job are gone, winds up working in a halfway house full of mildly brain-damaged patients and receives help from those she helps.
Rocket's Red Glare
Mr. Matthews
A troubled 17-year-old Todd Baker restores a Mercury Redstone rocket as a science project with the help of his ex-astronaut grandfather. When a NASA emergency leaves a space shuttle and its crew in danger, Todd's rocket is the only one ready for immediate launch.
Star Trek: Voyager - Dark Frontier
Magnus Hansen
Dark Frontier" is a feature length TV Movie of Star Trek: Voyager, the 15th and 16th episodes of the fifth season. This episode originally aired as a feature-length episode that was later broken up into two parts for reruns in syndication.
Outside Ozona
Agent Tony Cole
A drama revolving around a group of strangers brought together by a common occurrence as well as listening to the same radio station.
3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain
Three young boys, Rocky, Colt and Tum Tum together with their neighbor girl, computer whiz Amanda are visiting Mega Mountain amusement park when it is invaded by an army of ninjas led by evil Medusa, who wants to take over the park and hold the owners for ransom. Kids and retired TV star Dave Dragon, who made his farewell appearance at the park at the time the ninjas appeared, have to break Medusa's vicious plans.
Brian is a television writer-producer who has to script a 22-episode anthology, but lacks inspiration. He witnesses a strange romantic encounter between two figures on the balcony of hotel near his flat and decides to write scripts with his writer friends based on what he saw.
Stuart the Manager
In hot water with the mob over an unpaid debt, a con man poses as a family friend in an affluent Pennsylvania suburb.
LifeStories: Steve Burdick
Philip Richardson
Steve Burdick is closeted television anchorman whose lover dies of an AIDS-related illness. Steve decides to come out and then tells his story about being gay and battling AIDS during a special segment of the nightly news. Originally episode eight of LifeStories, it was moved to later in the season due to the subject matter.
Voodoo Dawn
Group of immigrant Haitian farm workers tries to fight off an evil Haitian voodoo priest who tries to kill them & use their body parts to make up a zombie army.
Alexa is very attentive to her customer's requests, but soon realizes that prostitution has limited long term career potential...