Lindsay Winch

Lindsay Winch


Lindsay Winch
Lindsay Winch


The Santa Stakeout
Tanya is a police detective who is reluctantly partnered with fellow detective Ryan to solve a recent string of heists taking place during high-profile holiday parties around town.
Right in Front of Me
Carly gets a second chance at romance with her college crush but isn’t sure how to impress him until her new friend Nick starts giving her advice. Soon she learns who the right man for her really is.
ピース・オブ・ケイク グランマのレシピ
祖母のレシピとケーキ作りを大切にしようと、頑なに65年の伝統にこだわるヒロイン。だが時代は変わり家賃も材料費も高騰、経営を安定させないと店は生き残れない。信頼する二人のスタッフから熱心な助言を受け、新たにウエディングケーキの受注販売をスタート。有名デザイナーから注文を受ける幸運に恵まれた上、彼女の弟でシングルファーザーとの出会いが仕事中心だった彼女を変えていく! ケーキが取り持つ甘いロマンス。だがある日、店舗が売りに出され閉店の危機に。ヒロインの人生そのものだった祖母の店は、65年の歴史を閉じることになってしまうのか? 頑固なケーキ職人とシングルファーザーが織りなす甘く香るスイートラブ・ロマンス!
Time for You to Come Home for Christmas
A recent widow travels with her son to her Virginia hometown for Christmas. On the way they meet a man who is also heading to the same destination. As they continue to spend time together, the pair grows closer.
With Love, Christmas
Advertising execs Melanie Welsh and Donovan Goodwin disagree on a cellphone Christmas commercial they’re pitching. He says his sleek design will win over the client but she knows it lacks holiday spirit.