Anatoly Goryachev

Anatoly Goryachev

出生 : 1964-04-26, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Anatoly Goryachev


Spring 1942. Moscow schoolgirl Katya is corresponding with a cadet of the naval school Kostya, who is unknown to her. When sent to the front, his echelon must pass through Moscow, and they have a chance to meet ... Our days. Muscovite Katya, a talented violinist and a wild child, without realizing it, begins to follow in the footsteps of the history of Katya and Kostya, her peers from the war years. Will she be able to finish an amazing teenage love story that began years ago?
Moscow Does Not Happen
An unremarkable Russian town holds some terrible secrets. The simple working guy Lyokha gets acquainted with the beautiful Masha. She shows him photos that he cannot remember. Lyokha goes to see his father, but finds out that the latter died several days ago. The father left lots of mysterious notes, but a local gang and a mysterious visitor from Moscow are after them. You find out everything if you remember!
Convoy 48 The War Train
Yesterday's Leningrad schoolgirl Masha Yablochkina, after a fierce blockade winter of 1941-1942, comes to the railway courses hoping to survive and gain strength. From there, the girl is sent to the construction of the Shlisselburg highway, which connects the city with the mainland and is in direct sight of German artillery. So the heroine gets into the 48th locomotive column of the special reserve NKPS, which, at the cost of the deadly risk, will have to deliver 75% of all cargo and military equipment to Leningrad.
Quiet Dinner Without Salt
One day, Valera wanted to do a good deed, to save the endangered animals. But what should we do if the one we want to help is five times bigger than you and ideally you would hold in your stomach?
Против всех правил
Пал Палыч Завалишин, подполковник полиции
Mama — Saint Sebastian
Mother is eighty, Seva - sixty.That's the whole family right there. Seva spent his life looking after his mother. While he was at her beck and call, he barely had any time for himself and ended up childless with no soul to turn to. The inevitable happens - mother dies. Without her life loses its meaning. On top of this he finds out the story about his birth. The unbearable truth turns his life upside-down. Questions keep piling on. How to forgive? How to find humility and the strength to carry on?
Girl in the Ice
A young German woman is searching for the man she loves in northern Russia.
Ночная фиалка
Once Rita, like many girls, came from the provinces to the capital for a better life, but achieved only one thing: she became a professional keeper. "Futile, lazy and corrupt" - these words she heard in her address from Sasha, the son of his next patron. Rita decides to prove to herself and to Sasha that she is capable of disinterested and sincere feelings, but in their life the force majeure interferes: Rita is ill, and doctors do not promise anything good ...
Yuri, a 35 year old business man, suddenly one day finds his life is going nowhere and decides to become a professional cosmonaut. But the complexity and length of the training prove frustrating, and Yuri questions if he will ever reach his goal, until the accidental death of a fellow trainee suddenly brings him tantalizingly close to realizing his dream, but also close to losing everything.
Сон №5
Их шестеро: Андрей, Лекс, Сильвер, Лис, Дин и Дина — молодые, отчаянные, готовые на любой риск. Алиса — хозяйка злачного заведения — предлагает им хорошие деньги. Но «деньги явно не легкие» — честно предупреждает Алиса. Почему они соглашаются? У каждого за плечами свой полный криминальных приключений путь к этому решению. Поначалу не связанные друг с другом герои, волею своих лихих судеб постепенно сближаются, пока не оказываются вместе в Алисином деле. Они не жалеют, что жизнь сложилась именно так. Им нравится свобода на грани фола. И они не ищут прощения — даже перед лицом смерти...
Top astrophysicist Sasha Greenberg has spent the past 17 years working in the United States. An invitation to speak at a Congress on Cosmology in his native Moscow brings him home for the first time to confront colleagues, and unanswered personal questions. As Russia undergoes perestroika, public and private lives are radically re-assessed and Sasha sees the social and sexual upheavals as a crisis
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Caucasian roulette
The action of this intense criminal drama takes place against the backdrop of military events in Chechnya. Russian girl Anna, a sniper of Chechen fighters, and Maria, the mother of a soldier who was captured by them, meet in a train car heading to Russia. Anna is trying to remove her son from the war zone, Maria wants to force her to return the child to Chechnya - then her son will be released from captivity. None of the mothers can give in, because we are talking about the life and death of their children ...
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Летучий голландец
Павлик Морозов