Paul Chandler


The Last Mountain
The compelling story of 30-year-old climber Tom Ballard who disappeared on one of the Himalayas' most deadly mountains, Nanga Parbat, in February 2019. Tom was the son of mountaineer Alison Hargreaves, who perished on K2 in 1995. Mother and son, two of the greatest climbers of all time, died at almost the same age in neighbouring mountain ranges, both doing what they loved best. They now lie forever encased in the ice of two of the world’s highest mountains. Left behind to cope with the enduring tragedy are Tom’s sister, Kate, and their father, Jim.
Concept Artist
破格のメガヒットによって映画史を塗り替え続ける「アベンジャーズ」シリーズが、この春ついに完結。最凶最悪の敵"サノス"によって、人類の半分が消し去られ、最強チーム"アベンジャーズ"も崩壊してしまった。はたして失われた35億の人々と仲間を取り戻す方法はあるのか? 大逆転へのわずかな希望を信じて再び集結したアイアンマン、キャプテン・アメリカ、ソーたちに残されたのは、最強の絆だけ──。"今はここにいない"仲間のために、最後にして最大の逆襲が始まる!
Conceptual Illustrator
Voice Over
'Fats' Bannerman is enjoying success as the writer and presenter of Thus Engaged, a romantic radio serial about the lives and loves of a Regency heroine. But when grim reality violently intrudes into Fats' life, his frail fantasies become unbalanced and his ability to separate fact from fiction breaks down, with devastating consequences.