Peter Carty


First Assistant Camera
特殊な能力を持ち、口のきけない少女エレナは 狂った科学者アルボリアに捕らえれ、 実験材料として施設に監禁される。 彼女は施設を脱出して逃亡しようとするが、行く手を阻まれる...
The Brotherhood IV: the Complex
"B" Camera Operator
Lee Hanlon, the smartest student at an elite military school called the Complex, is intrigued by the academy's Black Skulls brotherhood but finds himself thrust into the role of global savior when he discovers their devilish origin.
The Thing Below
First Assistant "A" Camera
A top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage.
Dark Water
Second Assistant Camera
The story of a young man who, through a series of surreal visions, comes to believe that he is a serial killer targeting pedophiles.