Kevin Haberer

Kevin Haberer


Kevin Haberer


The Silent Thief
Brennan is an outcast drifter who threatens to destroy a family's unity by displacing their son, Mike, while he is away at college. The Silent Thief is a thriller that examines familial bonds and the line between sanity and insanity.
The Silent Thief
Brennan is an outcast drifter who threatens to destroy a family's unity by displacing their son, Mike, while he is away at college. The Silent Thief is a thriller that examines familial bonds and the line between sanity and insanity.
The Silent Thief
Executive Producer
Brennan is an outcast drifter who threatens to destroy a family's unity by displacing their son, Mike, while he is away at college. The Silent Thief is a thriller that examines familial bonds and the line between sanity and insanity.
The Silent Thief
Brennan is an outcast drifter who threatens to destroy a family's unity by displacing their son, Mike, while he is away at college. The Silent Thief is a thriller that examines familial bonds and the line between sanity and insanity.
Young Garth
1960年代初頭のテキサス。14歳のウォルターは、だらしない母親メイの勝手な都合で大伯父さんたちの家に預けられる。 祖母の兄弟であるハブとガースは40年間も消息を絶っていたが、最近になって出所不明の莫大な金を持って帰ってきたらしい。 メイは、2人の金の隠し場所をウォルターに突き止めさせ、あわよくば、子供も相続人もいない2人がウォルターを気に入って遺産を遺してくれることを期待していたのだ。 ウォルターはそんな強欲な母親に辟易しながらも仕方なく大伯父さんの家にとどまる。