Thad Povey


An Alchemical Christmas Carol
Less than a vision of a sugarplum, but more than the Grinch on acid, this film mixes up a toxic nog of sweet sentiment, heavenly damnation, and recycled gift wrap.
Little Miss Potentiality
Insensitive Boss
A woman tries to get her novel published without selling out to the man!
Thine Inward-Looking Eyes
To paraphrase something Lao Tzu didn't say: This film's an empty cup -- You fill it up.
A Different Kind of Green
Gazing back at the child watching me I glimpse a sense of the nonsense that defines me currently
St. Louise
Made to accompany the band Soul Coughing on stage. Includes such techniques as architectural appliques and rub-ons, bleach-and-resist treatment of previously photographed images, scratched and cut-out black leader, and emulsion that was heated and burned with magnified sunlight some images were rephotographed onto print stock, reversing (or ‘inverting’) the polarity of the original film.